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Fight for your Rye

Started by jamie_savoie, July 19, 2013, 10:02:28 AM

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Brewing this one on my day off.  I took every friday off this summer and my plan is to brew at least 3 times a month  8)  Half this batch will be brewed for Chris Craig in exchange for an esb  :rock:

Recipe: 41 - Fight for your Rye
Style: Saison

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size (Gal): 11.00
Total Grain (Lbs): 21.00
Estimated OG: 1.052
Anticipated SRM: 3.7
Anticipated IBU: 30.6 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes

59.1% (13 lbs) - Pilsner
22.7% (5 lbs) - Rye Malt
9.1% (2 lbs) -  Flaked Rye
4.5% (1 lbs) - Acid Malt (add to mash half way)
4.5% (1 lbs) - Sugar

1.50 oz Styrian Goldings (Pellet, 5.40% AA) @ FWH 90 min
1.25 oz Styrian Goldings (Pellet, 5.40% AA) @ 60 min
1.00 oz Styrian Goldings (Pellet, 5.40% AA) @ 10 min

Whirlfloc @ 15 min

5.5 gallons (Chris) -> WY3711 French Saison (washed from my Oatmeal Saison -> 3rd gen) Fermented @ 72-75F
5.5 gallons (mine) -> cultured yeast from Saison Dupont Veille Provision.  Fermented in my garage lol

Mash Schedule
Sacch Rest - 90 min @ 147F

Chris Craig

Can't wait to try this.  I'll be starting your ESB next weekend.  It will take less time to condition than this I expect.  4 weeks should be ideal.


Heh 3711 is awesome the final absolution convinced me. Jamie I gotta have a sip of this ill travel up if I have to come huntin season...

NBCBA Treasurer
Planned: Drink beer later, Primary: Drink beer soon, Secondary: Drink beer shortly, Kegged: Drinking beer now


Chris : 3711 ferment fairly quickly and 4 weeks will be more than enough.  Mine might take a little longer but from what I've read, cultured yeast from a Dupont works better than WY3724 since they use 3-4 strains vs the wyeast which only has one. It'll be fun to compare our beers at future meeting :)

Peter: I prefer the flavour of the Dupont yeast but I really like the peppery and silky mouth feel 3711 gives even though it finish bone dry and it's less a pita to work with compare to Dupont.  And feel free to stop anytime if you're around here, you're more than welcome!  We'll sample some beers and eat some sausages ;)

Chris Craig

This is pretty damned tasty Jamie.  Job well done!


Glad you like it Chris! :rock:  My fridge fucked up this w-e, tomorrow I'll have my keezer ready so before I have a chance to taste yours it'll be another 5-6 days but I'll let you know!  Can't wait to try this!  Cheers man