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Pumpkin vs Pumpkin Spice beer

Started by robcoombs, October 07, 2015, 08:51:45 AM

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I thought those of you brewing or interested in brewing a pumpkin beer may find this interesting. A comparison of brewing with and without pumpkin in a pumpkin spiced beer.


Two Wheeler

Love that guy's experiments, and this was a good one especially this time of year.

I'm of the mindset now though, that this is a hard "style" to make something I want to drink 5 gallons of, so I don't really want to spend too much time experimenting
Jordan Harris


Exactly the same for me. One bottle a year is all I can handle.


Bring on the pumpkin beer  :rock:

His articles are always interesting. It makes sense that the spices are mainly what brings the flavour. I used a butternut squash, which is supposedly more flavourful for pies and whatnot. Depending how my current brew tastes I might have to try a pumpkin only/spice only batch next year.


I have brewed a couple of batches of Pumpkin Pie Spice Porter. Big hit around here. No pumpkin, just the spices you would have in pumpkin pie.


Mine should be ready to tap Friday after work.
Has both some pumpkin in the mash and some spices in the boil. Sort of an annual thing at this time. I normally don't drink a ton, I give alot of it away - makes for good conversation.

I've tasted a few this year. Petit Sault (at 8.6%!), Propeller and st Ambroise were both pleasant.
I might try a few more if I get a chance: Lake of Bays, Rare Bird maybe, Red Racer. No big deal if I don't get to them, but I'll try.