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PH meter

Started by Roger, March 03, 2016, 12:38:37 PM

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Does anyone have a decent pH meter I could use?  I don't need to borrow it I can bring over a sample.


I take that as a no...  :pal:


I have one Roger. This week is a complete clusterfuck though, when did you need it tested?


Quote from: Roger on March 09, 2016, 12:00:18 AM
I take that as a no...  :pal:

Ha, I think you take that as a quiet confession that a lot of us aren't paying enough attention to our mash PH

Two Wheeler

I have a $20 amazon special I'm not confident guaranteeing you is accurate
Jordan Harris


Quote from: robcoombs on March 09, 2016, 07:43:39 AM
I have one Roger. This week is a complete clusterfuck though, when did you need it tested?
Last week.  ;)
No worries I just might take you up on your offer sometime though. Thanks.


FYI I have a Hannah meter ...
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