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bottom of the barrel bitter

Started by matt_wolf, October 13, 2012, 02:56:26 PM

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I've got 20gal of genaric bitter in the kettle. I have 5oz each of cascade and fuggles. Was planning on cascade at 60 and 30 min, and then fuggles at 15 and 5. Anybody have a better idea? I'm 5 minutes away from the first addition.


Hey Matt,

A bit of an odd combination of hops, but I don't see why that wouldn't work...Cascase with a higher AA (I'm assuming) for bittering and fuggles for flavor and aroma.

20GAL huh?  what do you have for a setup?  I only know a couple of guys on the forum that can make brews in that quantity!
"If God had intended for us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs."


If you're gonna use the cascade keep it all at the bittering addition; should be fine then.
Charter Member

Kegged: air.
Primary: air.
Bulk Aging: Silence of the Lambics (Pitched 13/05/2012).
Owed: JQ LSA x 1, Kyle Stout x 1 & IPA x 1.


It's definatly a strange hop combo, but it's what was availible.

The system is a result of using what was availible when a buddy and I were putting it together.

It all started with the tun- a 36"x18"x22" Xactics bait box. It's really well insulated, but I wish it was shorter. It holds heat very well, but it takes quite a bit to get it up to temp.

The kettle is 25 gal to the top, and started life as an oxygen tank, before Daniel Chisholm converted it for me.

Counterflow chiller

I have a 35 gal blue barrel that I use as a fermentor.

Everything is strictly caveman- propane and gravity. I'm really hoping to change this soon.
First off, I'm looking for a pump. The gravity feed stuff is for the birds.
I have a second burner, and enamel pot and burner for HLT, but the pot is a bit small, and two propane burners can get to be a bit pricey to run. I'd really like to go with at least an electric HLT, and possibly kettle as well.

sorry for the sideways pic- but you get the idea.

Chris Craig

A few of us have these pumps: http://greatbreweh.com/Beer_Pump.html

They work great, but a word of caution...The fittings are crap.


Nice setup...pretty big!  

Looks like you and I have the same oxygen kettle, only mine is 20GAL to the top, wish it was 25 like yours.  

I ended up converting my HLT to electric some time ago, and it was the best thing I did.  It's at the top of my brew stand, and I can control the temp no problem.  

you definitely need a pump, I'd look into one of the cheep pumps Chris sent you a link to.  I have two and they do work great.  only issue is the threaded fittings...they are supposed to be 1/2" NTP and they are not.

Once I got the pump, I started recirculating my mash, and was able to pump wort through my CFC without having 2 guys around to lift the boiling hot kettle up onto something to gravity feed through the CFC...
"If God had intended for us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs."


I've been watching the comments on that pump. Is thread tape the only solution to the fittings, or is there another fix?

I thought I had a solution to the HLT thing when a friend gave me a 35gal hot water heater, but so far I can only get about 130 degrees out of it. If I can't get it to work soon, I'll be in the market for another kettle to add some elements to.


Quote from: "fakr"Once I got the pump, I started recirculating my mash, and was able to pump wort through my CFC without having 2 guys around to lift the boiling hot kettle up onto something to gravity feed through the CFC...

I am lucky that the fermentor is in the basement, just the left of the tun in the pic- so the kettle gravity feeds the CFC, and down into the fermentor. No way I'm lifting that damn kettle full of boiling wort.


yeah, you might have a hard time with the hot water heater unless you buy a temp controller for it.  The stock thermostats in those only go up to 170 I think...or at least you can buy replacement ones that go up to 170.  I had thought of the same thing for my garage.

I bought one of those pumps with brass threads and was able to squeeze male cam lock quick disconnects on them with tephlon tape, but the second has stainless threads and I can't even get a 1/4 turn.  Still not sure what I'm gonna do with it...I was thinking I'd file down the threads completely and attach high heat silicone hoses to it. still not sure yet...pain in the ass though.
"If God had intended for us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs."

Chris Craig

Quote from: "fakr"I was thinking I'd file down the threads completely and attach high heat silicone hoses to it. still not sure yet...pain in the ass though.

That's what I ended up doing. Works fine now.


not to hijack this thread, but looky looky, I found BSP thread camlocks for the pump! think I'm going to order a couple instead of filing the threads down.

"If God had intended for us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs."


Beer truned out great. Kegged it a week ago and after a week of conditioning, it really smoothed out.