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Oh god no !!!!

Started by Dave Savoie, January 24, 2011, 08:59:31 AM

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Dave Savoie

I fell asleep last night after brewing while my wort was sitting on the deck and it stayed there overnight and partially froze anyone have any  info on this is it a dumper or should I proceed as normal pitch the yeast once the wort warms up a bit ?
Charter Member


Dave Savoie

Charter Member


I haven't read any evidence of what happens to wort when you freeze it, but I would imagine that when it thaws, the composition should still be relatively the same, no?

I have heard of people pitching their yeast, leaving their wort in a cool area to ferment a lager, and having THAT accidentally freeze. They've warmed it up and got it going again (I believe it happened to John Palmer; he mentions it in "How to Brew"), so your situation shouldn't be any worse than that.

Either you dump it and waste it, or pitch the yeast and it turns out awful and you dump that. Might as well go for it once the temps get up to where you want to pitch.

Dave Savoie

One nice thing is its super clear :P I do plan to pitch the yeast and hope for the best
Charter Member


it'l be fine, just make sure it warms up a little before pitching
Charter Member

On Tap: DIPA, Vienna SMaSH, Imp Stout
Planned: IPA
Fermenting: --

Dave Savoie

yes I wrapped in it a blanket warmed it up smells divine
Charter Member


just finished brewing the porter, ran out of 2-row, so subbed 1.5# vienna, should be tasty too.
Charter Member

On Tap: DIPA, Vienna SMaSH, Imp Stout
Planned: IPA
Fermenting: --


Just heating up my mash water now for first AG... :D
Charter Member

Kegged: air.
Primary: air.
Bulk Aging: Silence of the Lambics (Pitched 13/05/2012).
Owed: JQ LSA x 1, Kyle Stout x 1 & IPA x 1.


And you didn't invite anyone over?  Tisk tisk.  :)

<No context>Dark and Dirty</No Context>


very good point...

... next time :D
Charter Member

Kegged: air.
Primary: air.
Bulk Aging: Silence of the Lambics (Pitched 13/05/2012).
Owed: JQ LSA x 1, Kyle Stout x 1 & IPA x 1.

Dave Savoie

Hope all goes well !!!!!! pictures man pictures post that shit to FB
Charter Member


Charter Member

Kegged: air.
Primary: air.
Bulk Aging: Silence of the Lambics (Pitched 13/05/2012).
Owed: JQ LSA x 1, Kyle Stout x 1 & IPA x 1.


my camera is screwed. wanted more photos but I need to rebuild the lend to remove some wine that got in there. got a couple of snaps of the giant bowling ball 'o grain.

note: i didn't put the wine in the camera :P
Charter Member

Kegged: air.
Primary: air.
Bulk Aging: Silence of the Lambics (Pitched 13/05/2012).
Owed: JQ LSA x 1, Kyle Stout x 1 & IPA x 1.

Dave Savoie

Well fermentation has started on the IPA thank god slight lag due to temperature but should be rolling hard when I get home from work
Charter Member