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Anyone have hops up yet?

Started by ECH, May 24, 2017, 05:20:11 PM

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I put up a trellis 10 ft tall and I guess I should have made it twice as tall. Cascade is already reaching for the sky past the 10 ft mark. Anybody got any sky hooks?   :rock:

Two Wheeler

First cones are appearing!

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Jordan Harris


Mine didn't do much. The 2 centennial grew maybe 6ft and stopped. The Golding maybe 4ft and stopped and the Fuggles maybe 3ft.

First centennial has about 8-10 cones on it, the 2nd one just has a few starting.

Don't know if it is the location or the soil, or what. Going to walk the manure to them this fall and hope for the best next year!


Mine are doing fairly well considering the lack of attention I have been giving them. Cones are small this year, not sure if they will size up or need more water.

The last picture is the hersbrucker I got from Roger. Thanks for trying hersbrucker, maybe next year.


Anyone harvest hops yet?
I harvested my Hersbrucker hops on Sunday but had a poor yield. Only 1.5lbs wet...
My cascade hops are looking decent though.

Two Wheeler

I've been looking at mine, they are about 8 feet above my head but look like they are ready. Didn't get much yield, maybe 50 cones per plant. Probably should have watered more with how dry the season was.
Jordan Harris


I picked my Centennial last night. Got about 80oz (5lbs) wet off of the 5 plants. They are in the top of my garage drying as we speak.


That's a sweet drying rack! Where did you find that?


So I officially didn't kill the hops this year I got a massive 3 Oz wet hops haha not bad for a first year next year should be good


Quote from: Roger on August 31, 2017, 03:36:38 PM
That's a sweet drying rack! Where did you find that?

Amazon. They are "Herb or flower" drying racks.


The 80oz of centennial dried down to 23oz. Last year I only got 6oz so a big improvement. I picked the cascade tonight and only got 146oz, way down from last year so fertilizer and water are on the docket for next year.


I harvested my cascade hops on Sunday and got 7lbs wet about the same as last year. But the lack of rain is likely the reason for your lower yield.