• Welcome to New Brunswick Craft Brewers Association.

The New Guy

Started by Beaverhunter80, April 19, 2017, 02:44:04 PM

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Hello everyone,  I just found out about NBCBA and it sounds like a great way to expand my brewing knowledge. I just paid my dues and I can't wait to get involved.
I'm from the Burton area, and have been brewing for 5 years and just recently started All-Graining. Around 15 batches ago. I'm set up for 5/10 gal batches and keg everything " no bottle cleaning for me". if your local PM me and we can do some beer tasting.



Welcome aboard, Guy.

You'll enjoy the club, lots of knowledge here. Hope you can make it to a meeting soon!

Give a man a beer and he'll waste an hour, teach him how to brew beer and he'll waste a lifetime.

Two Wheeler

Welcome Guy!   :cheers:

Lots of friendly brewers here, and we all have different styles. Don't hesitate to post any question or jump into any discussion!

The next meeting is scheduled for April 29- keep an eye on the Meeting Announcement section.

Big meeting coming up on May 13 - our Spring Mash Occur and competition. 8 brewers brewing at once!
Jordan Harris


Welcome! You should really try to attend the Mash Occur coming up, it's a great time!

Sent from my SM-G935W8 using Tapatalk


Welcome to the club!  :cheers: