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20 or 30 Gallon pots??

Started by HopHead, January 21, 2016, 10:01:32 AM

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Looing for opinions on whether to order 20 or 30 gallon boil kettle?? I'm ordering 20 gallon mash tun and HLT.  :cheers:

Two Wheeler

You'll never say "Damn, I should have got a smaller pot"
Jordan Harris


Quote from: Two Wheeler on January 21, 2016, 10:21:13 AM
You'll never say "Damn, I should have got a smaller pot"

Thanks, that's what I figured. Just wanted to hear it from someone else I guess.  ;D   Was a little concerned whether or not I could still do 5 gallon batches in a 30 gallon kettle outfitted with an electric element.

Two Wheeler

Haha, I might have been a bit quick to reply.

If you're doing 5-10 gal batches the 30 might actually be overkill, but you won't have to worry about boil over. Make sure the 5 gal level covers the element and you're good.
Jordan Harris


As Jordan said, if you're getting a 30 gallon pot, chances are you wont be able to do 5 gallon batches ... maybe.

We have a 30 gallon pot and the elements sit about 3 or 4 inches off the bottom of the pot, I'd assume right around the 3 or 4 gallon line ... i'd think you'd at least want a couple inches of liquid on top of the elements too for that you don't scorch the wort. Diameter of the pots will play a role in this decision too. The skinnier/taller the pot, the smaller batches you'll be able to do (asdsuming you're putting elements at the 3 or 4 inch off bottom mark), but if short and stubby you'll have hard time doing 5 gallon batches.
President of the NBCBA


I can say when I look in my 30g kettle, you wont be doing 5gal batches in it. The element itself sits at about the 4g mark. As Jake said you would most likely scorch your wort.


Thanks Guys,

I decided to go with the 20 gallon kettles. probably won't be doing many 5 gallon batches, mostly 10-15. Now to begin ordering parts for the control panel.

On a side note, any preferences between camlock or quick connect fittings?? I'll need to order these as well.



Quote from: HopHead on January 25, 2016, 12:16:45 PM
any preferences between camlock or quick connect fittings?? I'll need to order these as well.

I've used both... Camlocks, hands down!


Give a man a beer and he'll waste an hour, teach him how to brew beer and he'll waste a lifetime.


I like the camlocks myself. They're all manual no springs or small moving parts to get jammed up. Only down side I can see is you might need to use two hands instead of one.
I think most people use the camlocks but maybe someone who uses quick disconnect can give reasons why they like them better.

Two Wheeler

Camlocks here. One plus is if you join us the for Mash Occur (club brew day) most people have camlocks and gear can be shared easily.

Also, camlocks are easier to deal with when hot as you can grab the ring on the lever with bare hands.
Jordan Harris


I have quick disconnects, and while I don't hate them, if I could do it over again I'd go with camlocks.
@DeMerch 2 - @Two Wheeler 1




Feel like a kid on Christmas morning. one 20 gallon SS Brewtech insulated mash tun, two 20 gallon SS Brewtech kettles. Received these today. Now I need to do some work on the brew room.

May need a hand when it comes time to calibrate and test. Definetly will need advice. This is a big step for my novice brewing experience. lol




I am looking to buy the same system, 20 Gallons mash SS and only Qty: 1X 20 Gallons Pot with pump and electric element.
I would like to brew 5 to 10 Gallons..

The question is... do you think to be able to brew a 5 Gallons batch in the 20 Gallons mashtun?
Also( 5 gallons batch) are you planning to do a batch sparge with adding strike water after 1 hour or you planning (fly sparge) to start brewing with all your amount of water and rise the temp to strike to finish mashing.

i'm worry about the 20 Gallons mashtun been too big, to batch sparge a 5 Gallons? 


President of the NBCBA