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Noble Grape

Started by Scott, August 18, 2015, 01:08:26 PM

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I just heard that Noble grape has moved to a new location next door (Great Canadian Bagel spot maybe) and are starting to stock hops and malts. That should make those last minute realizations your out of something much easier.


I was in today. It's a "serve yourself" setup now. It'll be nice for grain. Yeast is still the same wait for speciality strains unfortunately. And the hops... Oh the hops are in clear plastic containers, at room temperature.


Just got and e-mail from them saying they moved.

Sent my wife in Friday to get some DME for starters, and 1st she had a problem finding the place, as their big sign was taken down for the move (probably should have taken the sign down after the move?), and then when she did go in, I gave her specific instructions of what to ask for, if she couldn't find it, and they played 20 questions with her about a starter, going so far as to say that I didn't need to make a starter to use dry yeast.

Well duh...I know that, obviously not using dry yeast, if I want DME to make a starter!!

Hops not refrigerated?  Good to know. Surprised they know enough to refrigerate the yeast!

Good to know that the grain is self serve, now when I need 2oz of something, I don't have to buy a whole pound from OBK (not that it ever goes to waste!)


Heard that they'll have a station where you can crush your grain as well

Two Wheeler

Although the hops storage is questionable, it's nice to see them serve our market
Jordan Harris


Absolutely. Gord was very excited that they had a section and room specifically for home brewers. If I was brewing extract it would be a perfect set up. Plus they'll give you a 10% discount if you measure and crush your own grain. My only issue, as usual was the hop storage. Otherwise it's very nice. I'd love to see them stock a few more wyeast strains.


Please somebody tell them how to properly store their hops frig....cat piss flavored hops makes my penis soft

Two Wheeler

Jordan Harris


I had to drop into Noble Grape yesterday and I'm happy to say their hop storage has improved quite a bit. Now all hop pellets are kept in a freezer. Lots of sealed one pound bags in there, the opened bags are put into plastic containers. They also have some leaf hops by the pound vacuum sealed in the fridge along with a few more specialty wyeast packs. They have weizen, belgian saison, and abbey I believe and forbidden fruit. I'm still a little hesitant to buy hops from them until they turn over the inventory a little. But I will probably try again down the road.


I was in there today to pick up a couple pounds of grain and a few hops. It's a nice little setup. Buckets of grains, a fridge of hops, scales, bags, and even tape and markers. It will be a great setup to get a pound or two of this or that.

Two Wheeler

I was in the new store today for the first time, and boy I'm impressed! Lots of malt choices and hop choices. So nice to be able to run to the store if you don't have something.

Prices are higher than online, but I'd expect that. $2.66/oz hops and $3.99/kg of specialty malt.
Jordan Harris


Their yeast prices have gone up as well. $4.99 for US05/04 now. But I agree the grain room is awesome, great when you need a little bit of something. Good variety of grain as well.


Quote from: Two Wheeler on November 26, 2015, 12:22:11 PM
I was in the new store today for the first time, and boy I'm impressed! Lots of malt choices and hop choices. So nice to be able to run to the store if you don't have something.

Prices are higher than online, but I'd expect that. $2.66/oz hops and $3.99/kg of specialty malt.

Maybe we could buy some hops by the pound and split it two ways or something.