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2015 Big Strange Brew New Brunswick Sign Up

Started by Keggermeister, April 22, 2015, 10:06:44 AM

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*** INFORMATION ONLY*** SIGN UP ON THE GOOGLE DOCUMENT*** I do not frequent these fourms, as I live in Halifax. Check out www.brewnosers.org for more chatter on the event. I will check back here from time to time. If you have been to the event, please feel free to answer questions.
2015 Big Strange Brew New Brunswick Sign Up Is at the following link:

Date is June 19-21st

What is BSBNB? The Big Strange Brew New Brunswick is a celebration of all-grain brewing and associated activities including grilling, bread making, smoking food, pickling, coffee roasting, and other great enjoyments of life. We get together several times a year across the country in small private events, and the mid-June New Brunswick event attracts people from all over the place for a fine and memorable celebration. We brew beer, drink beer, talk about beer and brewing, eat very good food, and sit around a bonfire, telling lies, ranting, and generally behaving like big clumsy social idiot, much like puppies except without as much coordination or focus.

We also endeavor to be a family friendly event, and our current site, Camp Pascobac, has plenty of activities to interest non-brewers as well, so bring your family and friends, particularly those interested in taking up homebrewing!

Come and learn how to brew beer. "Give a man a beer, and he wastes an hour. Teach a man to brew, and he wastes a lifetime", is the motto of the Members of Barleyment (http://barleyment.wort.ca), the brewclub which gave rise to the original Big Strange Brew in Ottawa. Our New Brunswick offshoot has taken on a life of its own over the years while still preserving this credo. We love to teach people how to create delicious potables and cheerfully welcome any aspiring brewers who are interested in learning the craft. There is a wealth of knowledge at this event that can show you how to acquire a set-up, purchase the ingredients, and join an incredible friendly community of hobbyists and casual brewers.

Why "Strange"? Well, every brewer who brews beer at a Big Strange Brew receives a complimentary copy of StrangeBrew, the brewing software no brewer should be without, courtesy of Drew Avis, the creator of Strangebrew (http://www.strangebrew.ca). And if you are a Canadian homebrewer and are not using this fine Canadian software, then shame on you!

Registration fees and signing up:
$65 per attending adult over 18 if payment is not sent by this date. (Kids attend free!)
To pay or if you have any questions, please email Money transfer (Interac please, rather than Paypal) to Wayne Love waynelovesbeer@gmail.com.
If you're sure you're going to be there, paying in advance is muchly appreciated.

What does the admission fee cover?
Accommodation (either room to set up your own tent/trailer or the community bunkhouses) and access to the facility on Friday and Saturday night.
Many people, particularly those with family members, bring tents and trailers to set up in the big field for a little more privacy, but there are on-site community cabins with a number of very open bunks if you don't mind a little possibly-snoring company.
Coffee and meals on Saturday and Sunday, including breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and early brunchfast on Sunday.
Those with dietary restrictions or sensitivities (vegetarian, no red meat, allergies, etc.) please advise on the sign-up sheet below.
Admission to the Friday and Saturday evening beach bonfires.
The Saturday night fireworks display.
Barbecues and a massive propane stove for cooking
Free home brewing demonstration on Saturday from any of our participants that will be brewing this year.
...and we're hoping to have a live musical act again this year.

What does the admission fee not cover?
Friday night supper. That's bring-yer-own. We'll provide a hot bbq for people to use, and the camp comes with a massive propane stove and oven for cooking.
Although not a "pot luck" meal, folks wouldn't be averse if you were to bring a little extra for sharing, snacking and sampling.
Anything you'd care to bring for shareable snacks, especially if it's home-made or out-of-the-ordinary. StrangeBrew celebrates good food as much as good beer!
Beverages. **This is a BYO(home-or-craft)B event.** with a focus on tasting and enjoying many different microbrews or homemade beverages.
Site clean-up, including garbage disposal, dishes, mopping, and bathroom clean-up.
We pay a damage deposit, and are required to leave the site as clean as it was when we arrived. Everyone's help in cleaning up is greatly appreciated as that assures the annual event can continue to use this great facility..

Where is this event?
BSNBB's location is at Camp Pascobac on the beautiful Belleisle Bay near Kars, NB. There is a large lodge with a fireplace, a beach, walking trails, softball/frisbee field, pebble-lined volleyball court, and horseshoes, and great water access for kayakers, fishers and swimmers (although brr-r-r-r). For more about the camp, see http://www.pascobac.org.

The camp has a number of bunkhouses (bring your own bedding and pads) in addition to the main lodge building. One or two cabins, depending on attendance and demand, will be set aside for families so children can be put to bed at a reasonable time (please request in the sign-up if you have small children and would request a reservation). If staying in a cabin, you will be responsible for tidying it up and sweeping the floor at the end of the weekend. There is also ample room for tenting or trailering, with over an acre of grassy level field to set up in.

What should I bring?

Important: Your contribution to the beer supply.
Homebrew is preferred, but craft beers are acceptable as well (*warning* - factory-produced mega-swill is not). Please bring at least as much as you think you'll drink, plus some for sharing so others can taste.
If you're a kegger, please bring your own cobra tap and disconnects, and CO2 or beer gas if you can.
Many of us are secretly highfalutin' snobs, so if you show up with anything you'd see on a Superbowl ad, be prepared for sad frowns.
Your meal supplies for Friday evening.
A sampling-sized and easily recognizable beer glass. Small is VERY preferred due to the variety of beer that is typically present.

Typical outdoor supplies: Bug repellent, sunscreen, hat, folding lawn chairs, cooler. *Please label your property.*
Rain gear, just in case. A plastic tarp or two can be useful as well.
A guitar, fiddle, tuba, didgeridoo, or other musical instrument. We're often the best source of our own entertainment. (Bagpipes have been known to put in an appearance!) And who knows, maybe there will be a jam this year!!!
An iPod and cord to hook up to the stereo, and some good tunes if you have 'em. (Maybe not Eurasian Death Metal though. That's a bit of a niche interest.)

Camping equipment, if you're camping.
Anything you'd care to bring for shareable snacks, preferably home-made or out-of-the-ordinary such as game-meat jerky, family pickled thingamabobs, or Venezuelan Beaver Cheese. StrangeBrew celebrates good food as much as good beer!
Swimsuits (The water's JUST FINE once you get in. Just.... Fine.)
If you happen to be a come-from-away or someone that has access to non-standard or exotic brewed beverages, you'll earn a lot of smiles if you bring some different commercial or home-brewed beverages for sampling. We've had excellent unique cider, mead, and trappist ale contributions in previous years.
A football, frisbee or something like that to toss around. (Small children will be in supply and might do in a pinch.)
A canoe or kayak for a morning paddle along the beautiful Bellisle Bay. Maybe even a fishing rod too.
Also, see the "Gear we need" list at the bottom of this document

(Items might change as planning continues, so please check back for any changes)

Afternoon: We try to open the main gate to the place around 12 noon; please show up any time thereafter, and see Wayne Love if you haven't already paid to settle up. First ones there get a beer.
Evening: Hopefully Live Music! There will be an open grill for supper and a "practice" bonfire on the beach, weather depending. Bring whatever you'd like to throw on the grill. Sharing is encouraged.

Saturday (brew day):
Breakfast: As soon as the sun rises, a group of hungry volunteers starts a whole bunch of coffee going, and prepares a bacon and egg breakfast to tide participants over until Beer O'Clock. People traditionally start setting up for brewing immediately after eating breakfast so as not to interfere with the day's activities. Please add your name to the volunteer list if you are willing to cook!
We tape off part of the kitchen (not the walk-in fridge) to assist in managing a lot of food in a short time, so bring snacks if you have kiddies.
Morning: Those that are brewing at the event usually start between 9 am and 10am, finishing up around suppertime. A couple of our more energetic MacGyvers usually try to have an electrical panel set up for electric brewers if needed.
This is a superb chance to learn to homebrew. If you are interested, include as a note in the sign-up sheet below!
Is there interest in an equipment swap? Let us know in the sign-up and we'll have a table for you.
Lunch: Undecided, but provided. The tradition is organic local sausages, although that may change. Also, beer.
Dinner: We will be centering this year's meal around a to-be-announced major meat dish that will take some effort to prepare- check here for details, and we might be looking for some help tending it. Big Steve (aka Granpa Boozy) will also make his famous Gravel Pit Salad.
Evening: The REAL BONFIRE will take place in the evening, followed by FIREWORKS on the beach or field, weather depending. Bring instruments and off-colour stories to tell after the kiddies call it a night.

Breakfast: Our famous Belgian Waffle Breakfast (timing to be confirmed but usually starting around 9:30 so don't sleep too late!) with chocolate, whipped cream and fresh fruit toppings.
Morning: Cleaning up (please, please help - see below), and folks will pack up and head home at their leisure hopefully around or before 12:00..
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Two Wheeler

Sounds like a neat event, but the google doc doesn't work and you haven't mentioned a date that this is happening (as far as I can tell)
Jordan Harris


Thanks for the reply, Fixed the link!
Hope to meet some of you this year!



Bump!  Sign up is filling up! Earlybird Pricing ends May 31! Save $15 and sign up and pay now!