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Hi from Prince William

Started by redroast, March 12, 2015, 09:23:24 PM

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Hello All

I'm a new member from Prince William, my name is Joe. I met some of you at the meeting a few weeks ago a Peter's house.   Hopefully, I can make it to a few more meetings.

I've made lots of Wine and even some Mead, but now I am focusing my efforts on brewing. I love it!

Right now I am thinking about brewing up some IPA's, so I was thinking about buying a few pounds of hops....maybe some citra, or amarillo and chinook. I realize that these hops can be hard to come buy, any suggestions where to look to get a good deal?

Two Wheeler

Hi Joe, welcome to the club!

Everwood Avenue Brewshop has everything you need, and is great to deal with:

I usually look at Everwood first, then Ontario Beer Kegs. Then Noble Grape.
Jordan Harris


Hey Joe! I met you at the last meeting. Welcome to the club!




Welcome, look forward to meeting you.


Quote from: robcoombs on March 13, 2015, 08:26:27 AM
Welcome, look forward to meeting you. @Two Wheeler listed the best place to get hops, if you have a PO box in the US it would be worth it to order from Yakima.


Welcome Joe. I agree with what both @Two Wheeler and @robcoombs said.  :cheers:


NBCBA Treasurer
Planned: Drink beer later, Primary: Drink beer soon, Secondary: Drink beer shortly, Kegged: Drinking beer now


Welcome Joe!

You'll like it here, great group with lots of knowledge..


Give a man a beer and he'll waste an hour, teach him how to brew beer and he'll waste a lifetime.



Welcome Joe, we met at the last meeting.


Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I checked out Everwood, I think I will get my hops from them. Seems like pretty good prices.

Something else that came to mind. I don't have a chiller right now and I have been making do as it has been so cold. Before I go and buy some copper tubing, does anybody have an immersion chiller they would like to sell?

Two Wheeler

No Chiller, but if you buy copper, talk to @Fhilo . He steals copper out of buildings and sells it really cheap.

In reality he works at a plumbing supply company. Still sells it cheap :)
Jordan Harris


Quote from: Two Wheeler on March 14, 2015, 11:44:45 AM
No Chiller, but if you buy copper, talk to @Fhilo . He steals copper out of buildings and sells it really cheap.

In reality he works at a plumbing supply company. Still sells it cheap :)
Hehehe... Shhhh😅