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Question: Did you ever brew a saison (or other style) using peppercorn?

Started by pliny, August 13, 2014, 09:49:07 AM

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Ever brew a saison (or other style) using peppercorn?

Pretty sure I've tried beer with peppercorn in it.

Thinking of brewing a saison (WY3711) with peppercorn. Anybody tried brewing with this?
(I'd be willing to bet @jamie_savoie has tried making it)


I once used 0.25 oz once (along with ginger, orange peel and anise).  I also used 0.75 oz of juniper berries in another one



No I haven't. I have every intention of doing it but my brewing schedule has been suffering as of late.  :(
It's going to suck in a couple of months when my pipeline gets thin and I won't have anything to put in my empty kegs.

I may try to get up early one morning or stay up late one night to squeeze a brew session in this weekend. I'll let you know if I do make it.
My plan is to put about 15 whole peppercorns with about 5 minutes left in the boil I think. I have it written down somewhere.
(I own beersmith but I recently changed computers at work and I'm not admin on my device and can't install any software on it. Sucks)


Sounds good, the plan is to try some peppercorns in a brew this afternoon. Will report back with results!

Let me know if you run low, my pipeline is relatively healthy.  :drink: