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Anyone have a Fastferment they could comment on.

Started by Waterlogged, August 06, 2014, 01:04:42 PM

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What about dry hopping with a Fast Ferment?

Don't want to put hops in while it is fermenting (or would you?), and don't really want to take the top off, to throw a bag of hops in to dry hop, as you would loose that CO2 cap protecting the beer.

Do you suppose that just adding hops to the collection ball once primary fermentation is done would do it? Or would that be a waste? Is it really that detrimental to take the top off and loose the CO2 barrier in the top of the fermenter?

Pretty much doing the same when transferring from a primary fermentation carboy to a secondary one and then dry hopping.



There are some guys that insist on using half their dry hop addition within a week of pitching yeast. They claim that they get more  punch when the hops and yeast interact while the yeast is very active. I think the brulosophy guy is one of them.

Of course it would be ideal to be able to add dry hops without exposing the beer to any oxygen. But for most home brewers that's not an option. Unfortunately.


I'm just thinking we already do it using buckets and carboys, and usually to no ill effect. Just everything I read about the FF, you don't want to take that top cover off.

Gotta think you gotta crack it a bit when you go to empty it, otherwise it is going to create a) either a vapor lock, or b) suck the fluid in the air lock into your beer, and thus pulling O2 in with it, (or both)

Just trying to decide if Santa should bring me one of these this year.

Two Wheeler

I've dry hopped in the FF. I don't see it as being much different than throwing hops into the top of a carboy. Like @robcoombs said, not much you can do about it really.

This product isn't for everyone.

Pros- Easily remove/harvest trub and yeast. No racking.

Cons- Awkward shape, Must use thread tape, different than what you're used to (need to think on your feet)
Jordan Harris


The only issue I have with mine is when there is a large amount of trub it will block up the bottom of the cone. I waited too long to change out the ball so now it's just a ball of air  :facepalm: I'll have to get better at leaving kettle trub or use the FF for beers with fewer hops.

Two Wheeler

Quote from: shazapple on November 24, 2015, 08:52:43 AM
The only issue I have with mine is when there is a large amount of trub it will block up the bottom of the cone. I waited too long to change out the ball so now it's just a ball of air  :facepalm: I'll have to get better at leaving kettle trub or use the FF for beers with fewer hops.

If you can get a dremel or drill or something that vibrates, and hold it against the side of the FF you can sometimes loosen up the clog.
Jordan Harris


Good idea. I have a multimax that will do the trick. Gotta work better than slapping it around.