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Collecting Wild Yeast

Started by feldmann, June 03, 2014, 12:13:42 PM

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Did you end up trying this sample or using the wild yeast in anything else?

I'm curious to know what came out of it..
Give a man a beer and he'll waste an hour, teach him how to brew beer and he'll waste a lifetime.


I haven't really forgot about it, I've just been so busy lately that it got pushed to the back. But now that you've reminded me, I'm making a starter that I'm going to step up.

After that I'm going to buy a 1gal jug from wine kitz and make a simple weizen recipe. I'm considering making three identical recipes that has a controlled batch with regular yeast, a mixed batch of regular and wild yeast and then one of just wild but that will all depend on how much time, money space and motivation I have laying around to spend.

Any advice is appreciated!


Did anything come of this?  I'm curious too.
on tap: IPA
fermenting: Roseway Red, Rye IPA, Tripel, Flanders Red, Sour #1
Cellar: Roseway Red, IPA, Brett IPA, Orval Clone, Brett Red, Rye IPA, Grapefruit PA