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itching from a slry

Started by Waterlogged, September 14, 2013, 03:26:07 PM

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So I am on vacation and plan on brewing 2 X 10 gallon batches.  My wit beer got postponed due to a f^&k up in my grain knowledge.  Luckely noble grape will come through with the flaked wheat by Friday.  So my first brew on vacation will be a galaxy APA.  I almost cried when my keg runneth dry from the first batch I made.  So a 10 gallon batch, 5 to bottle, 5 to keg will be the first brew on Tuesday.  I have 10 gallons of a IIPA almost ready top transfere to secondary for dry hoping.  It has a huge trub/yeast bed so I want to time the racking to primary with the pitching to the two apa carboys.  My question is, should I rack 2 days early and put the yeast from the IIPA into a 2 l starer on a stir plate or can I pitch directly from the pottom of the racked IIPA carboy?  Beersmith says I need a 2 l starter from slurry but figure there has to be at least of 2 litres of slurry on the bottom of the primary.  I can postpone a day or so and truy to wash the yeast a bit to get it of the trub,  So, all knowing NBCBA forum, what do you suggest.  Of to see the Wailers tonight so brain a bit foggy.  Promise to consider any replies tomorrow.  Also. wtf  is going on with the 6 days of huge co2 releasing krausen on my IIPA primary???  I thought that shit callapsed with a few days?
Fermenting: Air
On Tap: Hoppy Porter
Bottled:  Air


Drinking all afternoon.  I meant Pithching from a Slurry!
Fermenting: Air
On Tap: Hoppy Porter
Bottled:  Air

Chris Craig

I would recommend NOT using all of that slurry for a 10 gallon batch.  It's way too much yeast.  Over-pitching is just as much a problem as under-pitching.  If you do a 2L starter, then crash it, you get about an inch of yeast at the bottom of a 2L flask, right?  That's all you want for each carboy of your next batch. 

It doesn't need to stay on a stir plate until you brew.  If it's just a couple of days, put it in jars and refrigerate until brew day.  Then, just pitch the appropriate amount.

You can try to use Mr. Malty to figure out how much of that slurry you need.  http://www.mrmalty.com/calc/calc.html


Thanks Chris,

I am going to do this on Sunday now.  Have had an APA on since the 18th and just started dry hoping it.  Do my compatition beer on Sunday so figure I will keg the APA Saturday night, add some sterilized water to the carboy, slosh around, drain it to a few mason jars and cold crash one for the next day and maybe wash the rest a little better for future brews.  That should get the trub and dead yeast to drop out of suspension.  Shouldnt it?  The beer OG is 1.036 so maybe a one litre jar of slurry?
Fermenting: Air
On Tap: Hoppy Porter
Bottled:  Air