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Looking for Wyeast Labs #PC-3864

Started by Waterlogged, May 21, 2013, 03:04:50 PM

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Hi All,

I want to try to brew a clone version of Unibroue's Blanch Chambly this weekend.  It calls for Wyeast 3864 which I cannot get at Noble Grape.  Any idea where I can get some besides the bottom of a Blanch Chambly bottle.  I am willing to try to use the bottle yeast but am not sure how to go about getting a starter going soon enough and how much I would need for a 5 gallon batch.
Fermenting: Air
On Tap: Hoppy Porter
Bottled:  Air



Hi Chris,  I did not know they carried Wyeast so I called but they don't have any.  Thanks
Fermenting: Air
On Tap: Hoppy Porter
Bottled:  Air


I have a washed yeast in the fridge, I can bring it to Fredericton in 2 weeks if you still want it then.

Unibroue use a different yeast strain for bottle conditioning.   3864 is a seasonal strain from wyeast


Hi Jamie, that would be great.  Would you suggest using the 3864 for primary fermantation and then maybe using some Blanch Chambly bottle yeast for bottle conditioning?  

Fermenting: Air
On Tap: Hoppy Porter
Bottled:  Air


I would suggest only using 3864 and don't bother re-yeasting at bottling.  You will need to make a starter because my washed yeast is a couple of months old

Chris Craig

My understanding about bottle conditioned beer is that most of the time, a neutral yeast is used rather than the strain used to ferment the wort in the first place.  Obviously that's not always the case, but I'm sure it's a pretty common practice.


Well, looks like a coworker is getting some white labs belgium wheat yeast and will give me some for a starter.  Thanks for the offer Jamie but I think I can make a slight substitute with the yeast.
Fermenting: Air
On Tap: Hoppy Porter
Bottled:  Air


Good choice.  I've made a wit that I fermented 2 ways using 3864 and 3463.  3463 turn out slightly better, fruiter and more character than the 3864


So I got a vial of white labs WL410 Belgium Wit bier Ale yeast with my order yesterday.  Before I try out the new 19 gal BUAB setup, I wanted to brew a final partial grain batch using a Unibrou Blanch Chambly clone recipe I got all the ingredients for.  So tonight, I decided to start a 2-liter starter to help get things going on Friday.  So to my surprise, when I opened the vial to add to the starter, the whole freaking thing foamed up and spilled into my sink.   I did manage to salvage about 10 percent of to contents.  I emailed OBK asking for the vial to be replaced.  I did shake it a bit but it looked pretty much like a liquid before I opened it. Anyway, I guess I will have to be much more careful next time and hope that scoop and save or Noble Grape has a replacement for me.  So jamie, your trip to Fredericton is getting closer and closer so maybe I will take you up on the Wyeast 3864.  Also, no activity yet in the harvested bottle yeast.
Fermenting: Air
On Tap: Hoppy Porter
Bottled:  Air