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American Wheat :: SkillSAW

Started by Hawoh, March 31, 2011, 12:21:07 AM

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SkillSAW (Sorachi Ace Wheat)

Mash - 60 minutes @ 67°C
Ferment - 18°C
OG: 1.053 @ 75% efficiency
IBU: 25
ABV: 5.2%

2.35 kg Two-Row
2.35 kg Wheat Malt

16 g Sorachi Ace [10.7 %] (60 min)
14 g Sorachi Ace [10.7 %] (10 min)
14 g Sorachi Ace [10.7 %] (0 min)

11g Cooper's dry ale yeast  (Just under 2 packs...)

This was an opportunistic brew-in-a-pinch. I would have preferred (and recommend) a proper liquid yeast for the style, but in a pinch Cooper's dry yeast was the only option.