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Weed, Feed, & Mow : Cream Ale

Started by Chris Craig, June 06, 2012, 09:38:20 PM

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Chris Craig

This is Monday's brew:

Recipe Specifications
Boil Size: 13.69 gal
Post Boil Volume: 11.44 gal
Batch Size (fermenter): 11.00 gal  
Bottling Volume: 10.50 gal
Estimated OG: 1.049 SG
Estimated Color: 3.0 SRM
Estimated IBU: 18.3 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 78.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 78.0 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amt                   Name                                     Type          #        %/IBU        
7.75 lb               Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM)           Grain         1        42.5 %        
7.75 lb               Pilsner (Weyermann) (1.7 SRM)            Grain         2        42.5 %        
1.75 lb               Rice, Flaked (1.0 SRM)                   Grain         3        9.6 %        
1.00 lb               Corn Sugar (Dextrose) (0.0 SRM)          Sugar         4        5.5 %        
1.75 oz               Mt. Hood [5.40 %] - Boil 60.0 min        Hop           5        17.9 IBUs    
1.00 Items            Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 5.0 mins)         Fining        6        -            
0.85 oz               Mt. Hood [5.40 %] - Boil 1.0 min         Hop           7        0.4 IBUs      
2.0 pkg               Safale American  (DCL/Fermentis #US-05)  Yeast         8        -

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge
Total Grain Weight: 18.25 lb
Name              Description                             Step Temperat Step Time    
Mash In           Add 5.4 gal of water at 163 F           149 F         90 min        

Sparge: Batch sparge with 3 steps (Drain mash tun, , 5.18gal, 5.18gal) of 168 F water

Chris Craig

Long brew day.  I adjusted my BeerSmith equipment profile to compensate for the low batch volumes.  Now I have 2 fermenters with 6 gallons each!  We brew...we tweak...we brew.

On the plus side, I the beer is a bit weaker than the recipe calls for.  I wanted that anyway in a light summer ale.

I'm a bit pissed too!  Been drinking my IIPA all afternoon!


Quote from: "ChrisCraig"I'm a bit pissed too!  Been drinking my IIPA all afternoon!

Seems it turned out fine then...remember it needs to last at least 2 weeks...

Charter Member
I'm on the 12 step program...
I'm on Step 1 - I've admitted I have a problem...and if you're reading this, so do you!

On Tap: 1. MT; 2. PartiGyle Barley Wine; 3. MT; 4. MT; 5. Obiwan Kanobe 6. Pollen Angels TM Base; 7. MT  8. MT
Visiting Taps:
Travelling: Vienna Pale @ RB's; NB55 @ Fakr's
Recent Visitors: CMC Graham Cracker Brown, Fakr's Warrior AGDTDiPA; Brew's SNPA; Brew's C^3, Fakr's Stout
In the BH's: 1. Empty 2. WW, STILL! 3. Empty
Aging: Lots and Lots of Mead for Samples

Chris Craig

Chris Craig

This stuff turned out quite nice.  Glad I made 10 gallons!  It's pretty damned clear too.  Added gelatine again, and I can almost read through it.


Did you gelatin both of the carboys, or just one.
I'd be interested in a side by side of it.
Charter Member
I'm on the 12 step program...
I'm on Step 1 - I've admitted I have a problem...and if you're reading this, so do you!

On Tap: 1. MT; 2. PartiGyle Barley Wine; 3. MT; 4. MT; 5. Obiwan Kanobe 6. Pollen Angels TM Base; 7. MT  8. MT
Visiting Taps:
Travelling: Vienna Pale @ RB's; NB55 @ Fakr's
Recent Visitors: CMC Graham Cracker Brown, Fakr's Warrior AGDTDiPA; Brew's SNPA; Brew's C^3, Fakr's Stout
In the BH's: 1. Empty 2. WW, STILL! 3. Empty
Aging: Lots and Lots of Mead for Samples

Chris Craig

I added it to one keg after it had been chilled to 4ÂșC.  The other batch is in the carboy still.


Excellent, transfer and carb without gel, and bring a sample of each?

Charter Member
I'm on the 12 step program...
I'm on Step 1 - I've admitted I have a problem...and if you're reading this, so do you!

On Tap: 1. MT; 2. PartiGyle Barley Wine; 3. MT; 4. MT; 5. Obiwan Kanobe 6. Pollen Angels TM Base; 7. MT  8. MT
Visiting Taps:
Travelling: Vienna Pale @ RB's; NB55 @ Fakr's
Recent Visitors: CMC Graham Cracker Brown, Fakr's Warrior AGDTDiPA; Brew's SNPA; Brew's C^3, Fakr's Stout
In the BH's: 1. Empty 2. WW, STILL! 3. Empty
Aging: Lots and Lots of Mead for Samples

Chris Craig

Sorry.  No room left in the fridge :(  And, I want to put the American Stout on next. Maybe I should drink more...


I have a solution for your storage issue...

Charter Member
I'm on the 12 step program...
I'm on Step 1 - I've admitted I have a problem...and if you're reading this, so do you!

On Tap: 1. MT; 2. PartiGyle Barley Wine; 3. MT; 4. MT; 5. Obiwan Kanobe 6. Pollen Angels TM Base; 7. MT  8. MT
Visiting Taps:
Travelling: Vienna Pale @ RB's; NB55 @ Fakr's
Recent Visitors: CMC Graham Cracker Brown, Fakr's Warrior AGDTDiPA; Brew's SNPA; Brew's C^3, Fakr's Stout
In the BH's: 1. Empty 2. WW, STILL! 3. Empty
Aging: Lots and Lots of Mead for Samples

Chris Craig

LOL.  I bet.  It's staying right here John :)  If there's any left next weekend, I'll bring some to the meeting.