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Lightly Toasted British Brown Ale - Light

Started by fakr, May 16, 2012, 02:04:39 PM

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Batch size:  12 GAL

OG: 1.046

ABV = 4.6%


16 lbs Marris Otter
3  lbs Toasted Barley
2  lbs Toasted Wheat
1 lb  Munich 2
1 lb Crysta 110
1 lb Melanoidin
1 lb CaraFoam


1 oz Willamette @ 60 min
1 oz Tetnang @ 20 min

Yeast: 2 x S-05

Mash 9 gal @ 154F for 60 mins. Sparge 8 gal @170F

60 min boil
"If God had intended for us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs."


This beer came in at a light 4.5%.  Very drinkable, clean taste, refreshing.  Very little hop or malt flavor.  Body is light.  

All BMCers I have served this to love it, even the ladies who don't really enjoy beer.  I wouldn't call this a BMC beer, but it is close.  With the light brown color, it doesn't look like a BMC.

I could see adding 15% to the grain bill, 50% to the hop bill, and reducing the volume from 12 to 10 gals to produce a 6% "Bigger" version this recipe.

Yummy stuff!

In case any of you notice, the majority of recipes I'll be posting this summer will be fairly light, to accommodate the summer guests.  I will end up making bigger versions of these recipes come this fall.
"If God had intended for us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs."


didn't filter this time through.

"If God had intended for us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs."