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Summer Nelson Saison

Started by jeffsmith, April 18, 2012, 05:12:14 PM

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Since the warm weather is approaching and I've got some Belgian Ale yeast in my fridge, figured I should start thinking about a nice dry Saison.

Colour: 5.7 SRM
OG 1.052
6% ABV
Mash at 149ºF (75% eff)
90 minute boil

9lb 2oz (78.9 %)  Canadian 2-Row Pilsen Malt
1lb 6oz (12.0 %)  Rye Malt
4.00 oz (2.2 %)   Belgian Caramunich Malt 120
13.00 oz (7.0 %) Sugar - White Sugar/Sucrose (end of boil)

NZ Nelson Sauvin (11.9 %AA)    0.25 oz    60 Min
NZ Nelson Sauvin (11.9 %AA)    0.25 oz    30 Min
NZ Nelson Sauvin (11.9 %AA)    0.50 oz    20 Min
NZ Nelson Sauvin (11.9 %AA)    0.50 oz    10 Min
NZ Nelson Sauvin (11.9 %AA)    0.50 oz    5 Min
NZ Nelson Sauvin (11.9 %AA)    1.00 oz    At turn off

White Labs WLP550-Belgian Ale