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Iodine for sanitization - Make your own Iodophor.

Started by Gil Breau, February 15, 2011, 02:16:12 PM

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Gil Breau

So I'm searching for Iodophor, and I do a wee bit of reading.

Seems to me, that all Iodophor is, is a "special" water solulable povidine iodine, nothing more than that. Basically, it has a special chemical that makes it easier for the iodine to release into water, but it's not a neccesary inclusion.

Taken from http://www.homebrewtalk.com/f11/iodine- ... on-150345/


Postby DaaB on Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:50 pm
Iodophor and Betadine/Videne

Iodophor is a combination of iodine and an agent such as Povidone to make it water soluable.

Iodophor solution is dilluted with water and it releases free iodine, which is an effective bactericide and fungicide, it kills bacteria, mould and wild yeast that could spoil your beer.

Preperation: To make an effective no rinse solution it should be diluted to no less than 12.5ppm and no more than 25ppm. (more than 25ppm requires rinsing).

Below are the various dilution rates for the different brands of iodophor to produce solutions of 12.5ppm, they vary with the amount of free iodine in the iodophor product.

Dillution Rates (for 12.5ppm):

Betadine (1% free iodine) dillution is 1.25ml/l .

Videne (is a direct replacement for Betadine), suggest using as Betadine unless new info comes to light.

BTF iodophor (tbc not quoted or analysed) dillution is 0.78ml/l

Brupaks iodophor (analysed at 2.1% free iodine) dillution is 0.6ml/l

Instructions for use: The item being sanitised should be kept wet with an iodophor solution for 30 seconds or more then allowed to drip dry (or almost dry). Hand sprayers are ideal for wetting surfaces to be sanitised by iodophor.

Effectiveness: Iodophor's effectiveness can be approximated by it's colour. As long as the colour hasn't faded from that of the original preparation there is still the required level of iodine available for effective sanitisation.

When making a preparation of iodophor, filtered water is recommended (such as water that has passed through a Brita filter to remove chlorine and chloramines). Iodophor solutions made with filtered water have been shown to maintain their colour and therefore effectiveness for longer.

Tests have shown that the bactericidal activity (effectiveness) greatly reduces with an increase in ph. Solutions at ph 3-5 are significantly more effective than at ph7. If you live in a hard water area it is advisable to add 1 tsp of citric acid to the solution.

Iodophor solutions that are within the recommended ph range maintain their colour and therefore effectiveness for longer.

Brupaks iodohpor has already been acidified, although again people in hard water areas may find 1/2-1 tsp of citric acid is required to bring the ph to within the most effective range.

Cost: Brupaks Iodophor = £4.50 (17/04/08 ) for 250mls
0.6mls/l dillution = 416L of solution

Most Pharmacies sell Provodine 10%, 1% free iodine for pretty cheap. I know we retail it at my store for approx 17$, but we don't deal in the volume Shoppers and all of them do, so it's more than likely a bit less than we carry it for.

Basically, a set-to leave keg for sanitation would take 28.75 mL of Provodine 1%, a little less than a shot. Topping it up wouldn't put you over the 25 ppm, so you're safe if you accidentally top up a small plastic medicine cup or the likes.

Same goes for spray no-rise solutions. 1.25 mL in one litre of water and you're set to go.

Doing this means you can create an Iodophor soultion, that should last 15-18 keg or carboy sanitations for 15-17$.
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call me chicken, but when measuring chemicals in parts per million, I buy stuff that is pre-mixed and easy to use.
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What kyle said. That and I really like star-san now I've used it :D

Have 16oz of star-san if anyone wants me to bring some to the meeting.
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