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Belgian Stout

Started by Hawoh, February 20, 2012, 09:15:31 AM

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OG: 1.070
Efficiency: 70%
Mash: 67°C
Boil: 90 minutes
Ferment: Start at 18°C raise to 23°C

4.5kg Marris Otter
450g Munich Malt
450g Wheat Malt
300g Chocolate Malt
200g Cane Sugar
150g Roasted Barley
150g Dark Crystal (120°L)

30g Magnum [14%] @ 60
30g Hallertau [3.5%] @ 15

Wyeast 1581 - Belgian Stout Yeast (PC)


I've been planning to brew a Belgian Stout myself. Like to hear how this turns out. Will you wash the yeast to add to the yeast library?
"Good people drink good beer"
Hunter S. Thompson

On Tap]


When it's ready, I'll give feedback for what it's worth. I've never had a Belgian stout before and don't really have anything to compare it against. Nor have I used this yeast before, so it'll be hard to say if I persuade the proper characteristics from this yeast strain or not.

I'd like to do 2-3 more batches with this strain to see what it can do with a Dubbel, Tripel, and Pale Ale...  but we'll see how far I get with that.

Sorry, but I probably won't have a chance to clean and provide a sample for the yeast library. After this first batch, I can probably have some unwashed slurry available if you'd like to come by and pick it up. This will probably be in my primary for 2 weeks or more...