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Amber Ale - All Grain

Started by Dave Savoie, February 07, 2011, 11:56:57 AM

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Dave Savoie

6 lbs.     Maris Otter Pale
2.0 lbs.     Vienna Malt
0.25 lbs.     Weyermann Caramunich® TYPE III
0.1875 lbs.     Roasted Barley
1 lbs.     Oats Flaked

2 oz.     Mt. Hood (Pellets, 3.9 %AA) boiled 60 min
0.5 oz.     Mt. Hood (Pellets, 3.9 %AA) boiled 15 min
0.5 oz.     Mt. Hood (Pellets, 3.9 %AA) boiled 1 min

Mashed at 154F rinsed at 170F

Fermentis US-05 Safale US-05

Original Gravity     1.049
Terminal Gravity     1.011
Color     14.14 °SRM
Bitterness     43.1 IBU
Alcohol (%volume)     4.9 %

I went to the high end of IBU for the style
Also fermenting at 58F looking for clean & crisp will bring temp up last couple days of fermentation
US-05 works well at the low end temps
Charter Member

Dave Savoie

still has a krausen been 5 days now about time to bring up the temp I think
Charter Member