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Double Kegger Not-so Lite Ale

Started by Jake, December 03, 2011, 03:21:04 PM

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Batch Size (L):           40.0
Total Grain (lb):         19.000
Total Hops (oz):          6.00
Original Gravity (OG):    1.056  (°P): 10.0
Final Gravity (FG):       1.010  (°P): 2.6
Alcohol by Volume (ABV):  5.5 %
Colour (SRM):             6.3   (EBC): 12.4
Bitterness (IBU):         20.0   (Average)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 84
Boil Time (Minutes):      60

Grain Bill
14.000 lb American 2-Row (73.68%)
2.000 lb Munich I (10.53%)
2.000 lb Vienna (10.53%)
1.000 lb Crystal 40 (5.26%)

Hop Bill
1.00 oz Cascade Pellet (5.3% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (0 oz/L)
1.00 oz Cascade Pellet (5.3% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil) (0 oz/L)
2.00 oz Saaz Leaf (3.1% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil) (0 oz/L)
2.00 oz Saaz Leaf (3.1% Alpha) @ 1 Minutes (Boil) (0 oz/L)
1.00 oz Cascade Pellet (5.3% Alpha) @ 1 Minutes (Boil)
President of the NBCBA


Going to try this tonight. My first ever 10 gallon batch. For the yeast, I'm going to try one carboy with SO5, and the other with the lager yeast S23 I believe it's called? ... the lager yeast the group got a bunch of. SO5 will be done at 16-17 degrees, whereas the lager yeast should be more around the 11-12 degree range. Should be interesting.

SO5 I plan to drink over christmas. How long should I let the S23 go before kegging? Never used before.
President of the NBCBA