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Oatmeal Stout

Started by Thomas, February 12, 2011, 01:31:28 PM

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7.75 lbs. 2-row
0.5 lb roasted barley
0.75 lb chocolate malt
0.5 lb Crystal 10L
0.5 lb Crystal 120L
1.09 lb Flaked oats (Quaker quick oats)
2.25 oz. Willamette hops (4.4% AA) 60 min
S-04 yeast

Single infusion mash for 60 minutes at 156 F
Strike water 3.36 g at 176 F
Mashout with 1.35 g at ~212 F, to 167 F
Batch sparge wi 3.14 g at 171 F

Original Gravity 1.062

I also brewed the exact same recipe using 1.25 oz N. Brewer (5.4 % AA) instead of willamette.