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Anyone play around with Mosaic Hops?

Started by ECH, December 31, 2014, 02:51:11 AM

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Bought a pound of them when OBK had their Black Friday sales (among some other varieties of 1oz bags), and just curious on what kind of recipe you think would be good for them.

I do extract, w/specialty grains and was playing around with some different ingredients on Brewer's Friend recipe calculator.

What I have read on them is that they are similar to Simcoe & Citra (sort of like Simcoe's bastard child! LOL)

Was thinking of maybe a pale ale, or amber ale LM (about 9lbs) with about a pound of caramalt, and 1oz Mosaic at 60, 30, 15, and 5.

While the calculator gives you the goods on color, % alcohol and IBUs (about 6.5% and about 93IBUs) it of course doesn't tell you how well it might taste, if it was fit to drink at all.

Also have some Centennial TYPE hops that I could also use for the 15 and/or 5min. hop editions, not too sure how the 2 hops would work together.

I know it is all about experimentation, but don't really want to brew something that is undrinkable either, and thought I would get some other opinions. 


I recently brewed an IPA with mostly mosaic and some simcoe. It turned out fairly well. Here is my recipe.


It was a bit dank at first so you could sub in some of those centennial TYPE hops you were talking about instead. Or something else tropical like Falconer's Flight. The beer has a tropical aroma that I love, mostly mango and some pineapple. I found the hop flavor to be a little lacking so I would up the 5 min or flameout addition.

Good luck, it's a great hop.


I used it in a saison this summer.  only in hop stand and dry hop though.  it's a very nice hop, you will enjoy it.  I need to order some more  :shakes:


I brewed that clone recipe of Modern Times Blazing World, a hoppy Amber. It came out really tasty... actually, looking at it now I realized it also has Nelson Sauvin, which isn't easy to get. Simcoe as well. If you had another hop to sub in for Nelson (not that there's a perfect sub for Nelson!), go for something really tropical... Citra maybe? Or just bump up the Mosaic!



I was also thinking about dry hopping it with another oz of it, along with the boil additions.

Would an oz be enough for a 5gal? too much? not enough? And for how long, I was thinking 14days.

I found it interesting that dry hopping didn't change the IBUs any in the calculator.

Also have some Merkur (similar Magnum) and Crystal (similar to Hallertauer/Mt. Hood)

Maybe sub the 60min Mosaic with Merkur instead, and then oz of Mosaic at 30, 15, & 5, and then dry hop, and maybe sup the Centennial Type in there somewhere. Mind you all 3 hops might muddle the flavor up some.


Quote from: ECH on December 31, 2014, 02:12:49 PM
I was also thinking about dry hopping it with another oz of it, along with the boil additions.

Would an oz be enough for a 5gal? too much? not enough? And for how long, I was thinking 14days.

I found it interesting that dry hopping didn't change the IBUs any in the calculator.

Also have some Merkur (similar Magnum) and Crystal (similar to Hallertauer/Mt. Hood)

Maybe sub the 60min Mosaic with Merkur instead, and then oz of Mosaic at 30, 15, & 5, and then dry hop, and maybe sup the Centennial Type in there somewhere. Mind you all 3 hops might muddle the flavor up some.

Your dry hop amounts will depend on what type of beer you brew and your personal preferences. For example, I prefer a VERY hop forward IPA. I generally don't use less than 4oz in a 5gal batch, the mosaic/simcoe IPA I brewed had 6oz. But that's my personal preference. As a rule though I would say 2oz minimum if you really want those hops to shine.

Again for length of time that also comes down to personal preference and experience. I find I get the best results by doing two separate dry hop additions. Half for 5 days, then the other half for another 5 days. That's what I find works best on MY system. But a lot of guys have their own routine, and the lucky buggers who are kegging likely keg hop as well.

I'm not familiar with Merkur but if it's similar to Magnum you could use that for bittering and save more mosaic for late or dry hop additions.

As far as I understand it hops don't attribute any bitterness below 180F, so any additions below that temperature will not effect the IBU's whatsoever.

If @ShawnBrew or @jamie_savoie chime in on this listen to them. They have far more experience and brew much better beer than me. Hope some of this helped. 


Quote from: ECH on December 31, 2014, 02:12:49 PM
I was also thinking about dry hopping it with another oz of it, along with the boil additions.

Would an oz be enough for a 5gal? too much? not enough? And for how long, I was thinking 14days.

I found it interesting that dry hopping didn't change the IBUs any in the calculator.

Also have some Merkur (similar Magnum) and Crystal (similar to Hallertauer/Mt. Hood)

Maybe sub the 60min Mosaic with Merkur instead, and then oz of Mosaic at 30, 15, & 5, and then dry hop, and maybe sup the Centennial Type in there somewhere. Mind you all 3 hops might muddle the flavor up some.

I agree with what Rob has said. You can definitely go higher than 1 oz if you're looking for lots of hop aroma, and 14 days is much longer than you need. I'd say 5-7 tops and you'll be more than fine.

If it were me, I'd take whatever you were going to add for Mosaic at 30, 15, and 5, and combine it all and add it at flameout for a hop steep, or maybe 1 oz at 10, say, and then the rest at FO for a steep... maybe 10-15 minutes, then start chilling. And then dry-hop with at least 2 oz, and don't be afraid to go higher. But 2 oz will still work well, especially if these hops are fresh.


I have a Nelson Sauvin/ Mosaic pale ale on tap right now... huge fans of both!

Go big on the flavour/aroma and DH additions, you wont regret it... absolutely delicious. The recipe @robcoombs posted was very good.


For me personally, IPA is 1oz of DH per gallons.  For IIPA it's 2 oz per gallons.  I also DH in 2 separate additions, first addition in primary, 2nd in the keg and they stay there the whole time.  For PA it tend to vary but it's usually 0.25-0.50oz per gal.  sometimes I don't DH my PAs I add a buttload at KO