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Fermentation/Lager chamber

Started by Chris Craig, March 18, 2014, 07:13:25 PM

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Chris Craig

I've had this freezer set up as a lagering chamber for a few months now.  It used to be my old keezer. 

Recently, I need to replace the washer/dryer that were beside it, and that meant I had less room for the chamber.  So, I turned it sideways and moved the hinges to the side so that it would fit.  It would have been a shame to lose this bit of gear!

I also added an STC-1000 temperature controller for more precise control than the Johnson I was using before.


Looks awesome, I need one of these.


Temp controlled ferment, really the only way.....


Very nice. I need to pick up my fermentation game
President of the NBCBA

Chris Craig

I have a separate chamber for ales that holds 3 carboys.


Quote from: Chris Craig on March 19, 2014, 06:45:18 AM
I have a separate chamber for ales that holds 3 carboys.

Same setup for the ales though? What type of temp control do you have on the ales chamber?

Chris Craig

I built a box out of styrofoam and 2x4s for that chamber.  There's a mini fridge at one end with the door removed and a fan for cooling, and a box heater for warming.  I use another STC-1000 to control it.