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extra wort

Started by Roger, July 23, 2013, 12:06:25 PM

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So I started my first batch on my system. I ended up with more volume than I needed I was aiming for 12.5g and ended up with 14g so I only put 13 in my boil kettle and I have an extra gallon of wort left over from my 2nd sparge. Should I add it to the kettle or just dump it? The gravity on the last bit is 1.023. It has boiled down to a little over 12g so far.


I'd boil it all unless you are hung-up on trying to hit a certain OG?


all depends on what you want for a post boil gravity and volume.  I prefer a little extra in the boil myself.
"If God had intended for us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs."


Extra wort are perfect for small test batch.  On my last brewday I had extra wort from my rye saison.  I took the extra and fermented with a blend of 2 saison yeasts and didn't add the sugar addition the original recipe called for.  Sometimes I brett them, sometimes I add fruit or spices, coffee, chocolate etc   

Chris Craig

I'd keep some of the wort back and freeze it for future starters.


That is an interesting idea.

Chris Craig

I've done it a lot.  You just have to dilute it with water to 1.030 after it thaws boil it for 15 minutes.


I might try that next time! I've already tried an experiment I separated it into two 1 g carboys added some ingredients to one and pitched some yeast. Just for fun! Seamed like a waste to feed it to the septic tank! ;D


I had the same issue this weekend when we used a mash tun for the forst time as apposed to the BIAB.  I pour the wort into 500 ml mason jars and boiled the jars for 20 minutes thinking I could then refriderate them and have them for starters.  Problem is, there is a white goop in the solution of all of the jars.  Not sure what it could be or if it just sugars seperating during the heating process.  Would hate to throw it all out but would hate even more ruining a yeast starter before a brew.
Fermenting: Air
On Tap: Hoppy Porter
Bottled:  Air