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Places to refill CO2?

Started by mf5895, September 19, 2011, 04:03:31 PM

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Have had a hard time finding anywhere to refill CO2 here in town. Is it true that Atlantic Fire and Safety is the only place to refill your tank in Fredericton?? :shock:

Dave Savoie

Air Liquide also
but I always used Fire and safety guys as they usually did it right on the spot
Charter Member


Yea I think air liquid makes you use their tanks, and wont refill personal tanks ... from what I can remember. I get it done at atlantic fire and safety also. I think it runs $25 for a small tank. I've run at least 20 batches through since the last time I filled it and my tank is a bit less than half full. So it'll last a while.
President of the NBCBA


Do you have an address for Fire and Safety in Fred?


Atlantic Fire and Safety is real nice as they can do it quickly (they fill right there). You can get it done cheaper at Glenn Kenedy in Lincoln 506-458-9750 he is $2.20 / lbs of CO2, plus like a $12 or $13 fee (something like that). Praxair will also take your tank but they send it to SJ to get filled (every Tuesday) so you have to wait a week - pretty much same price as Glenn though...
NBCBA Treasurer
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Yea i didnt want to mess around with sending it to SJ for the week, took it to Fire and Safety and got it done for 25$, Thanks guys!


anybody know if I can go to the Saint john Praxair location directly? Thought I had lots in my backup tank, only to have an undetected leak at the keg. Left it on, only to discover she'd bled dry over night. I was not planning on a dry holiday season!!!


I thought the main location was in Moncton for Air Liquide?


Quote from: "matt_wolf"anybody know if I can go to the Saint john Praxair location directly? Thought I had lots in my backup tank, only to have an undetected leak at the keg. Left it on, only to discover she'd bled dry over night. I was not planning on a dry holiday season!!!

Yes, I have gone to the Saint John location directly in the past. IIRC they can usually fill up within a couple of hours.

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Visiting Taps:
Travelling: Vienna Pale @ RB's; NB55 @ Fakr's
Recent Visitors: CMC Graham Cracker Brown, Fakr's Warrior AGDTDiPA; Brew's SNPA; Brew's C^3, Fakr's Stout
In the BH's: 1. Empty 2. WW, STILL! 3. Empty
Aging: Lots and Lots of Mead for Samples
