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Water Adjustments for IPA with Fredericton water?

Started by Kyle, November 12, 2012, 10:20:41 AM

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Good points!  Next IPA, I'll add the additions to the HLT.  
I should grab some PH strips and see what the ph of the mash is with all the additions.  
If the PH is close, I'll leave out the usual 5.2ph buffer treatment.
"If God had intended for us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs."


Quote from: "fakr"Good points!  Next IPA, I'll add the additions to the HLT.  
I should grab some PH strips and see what the ph of the mash is with all the additions.  
If the PH is close, I'll leave out the usual 5.2ph buffer treatment.

I've heard mixed reviews about the 5.2 stabilizer - I forget what the reasons were right now.
Dave Savoie uses it and I think he said some good things about it.

I use this EZ Water Calculator and I'm happy with it.  http://www.ezwatercalculator.com/
- Plunk in your City water stuff at the top: Calcium, Mag, Sodium, Cl, Sulfate, Alkalinity
- Plunk in your grain bill (because different grains will affect your PH)
- Then play around with the additions to model what you want.


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Planned: Drink beer later, Primary: Drink beer soon, Secondary: Drink beer shortly, Kegged: Drinking beer now

Chris Craig

I believe BeerSmith has water profiles and adjustment tools as well...


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On Tap: DIPA, Vienna SMaSH, Imp Stout
Planned: IPA
Fermenting: --


Thanks for the site Pliny.

I've used 5.2 stabilizer for some time now.  Very hard to say just how effective it is without doing ph tests throughout the mash, but I've been using it anyway.
"If God had intended for us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs."


RB has often commented how the water up here on the bluff for some reason makes my hops stand out,
Steve and Dan just left having brewed each the same WW with very similar results.  We compared both of theirs to mine, and it was clear to everyone that the hops in mine was significantly more pronounced.
Seems my water is good for Hoppy Beer, your observations Mister B have been once again validated.

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I'm on Step 1 - I've admitted I have a problem...and if you're reading this, so do you!

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Visiting Taps:
Travelling: Vienna Pale @ RB's; NB55 @ Fakr's
Recent Visitors: CMC Graham Cracker Brown, Fakr's Warrior AGDTDiPA; Brew's SNPA; Brew's C^3, Fakr's Stout
In the BH's: 1. Empty 2. WW, STILL! 3. Empty
Aging: Lots and Lots of Mead for Samples


Charter Member

Kegged: air.
Primary: air.
Bulk Aging: Silence of the Lambics (Pitched 13/05/2012).
Owed: JQ LSA x 1, Kyle Stout x 1 & IPA x 1.