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Black Gold Dry Stout

Started by Dave Savoie, January 10, 2011, 06:38:27 PM

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Dave Savoie

(Earthtones Dry Stout with different hops)

6 Lbs Marris Otter
14 Oz Roasted Barley
2.2 Lbs Flaked Barley


1.25 Oz Fuggle

mashed @ 154 F 1 Hour
Sparged @ 175 F (this was temp of water before adding to the mash tun forgot to take reading)

Original Gravity          1.044     
Terminal Gravity         1.009
Color                     27.07 °SRM
Bitterness                 33.4 IBU
Alcohol (%volume)    4.8 % Based on 75% effeciency
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