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WLP099 from Wyeast

Started by TomFogarty, March 20, 2012, 10:23:28 PM

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Chris Craig

I'm in favour of this.  I'd be willing to chip in for a vile or two just for our library.  Perhaps if we get enough of us together, and buy enough of a variety, the exec would pay the shipping???



Quote from: "ChrisCraig"
Quote from: "HappyHax0r"Lots of PQ too so he's good. It'd be fine shipping from PQ to here.

I hear WhiteLabs is good yeast, much better than Wyeast

I call shenanigans. Evidence please.

Chris, I've seen thread after thread after thread about wyeast smack packs not swelling, or swelling poorly. I know several brewers in the states who use WL yeast almost exclusively (almost because they also use fermentis on occasion when they feel the need to use dry yeast), and they claim they've very rarely had issues with the yeast. Most of them just pitch one or two vials without making a starter and they get very active fermentation within a reasonably short period of time.

This is of course all anecdotal, however, i'm inclined to believe it considering I've personally seen smacked wyeast fail miserably at least twice. I've heard similar issues, including from people who live in Oregon which is where Wyeast labs is.
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Chris Craig

Meh.  My anecdotal evidence says they're great.  I've used Wyeast dozens of times to good effect.

Ian Grant

Ive used wyeast alot(eh Richard) and I've only had one pack swell up.  I do a starter and once I pitch the yeast I have airlock activity in a couple hours.   I haven't had a failed batch with there yeast.  I tend to have off flavors with dry yeast.  Even with white labs yeast it's recommended to make a starter to get proper cell count.


so far I've used 6 differant wyeast strain and only 1056 swelled (alot too).  The last 2 I used were packaged last sept and june of last year, each took 2-3 days to get started (and 0 swell) but once started they were monster.  I've never tried WLP but I'M pretty happy with wyeast and will continue to use their yeasts


I've had excellent results with Wyeast. The smack packs don't always swell big, but they sure work! Some of the best Craft Breweries in the US use Wyeast... including Allagash. I think it would be interesting to have a head to head with White Labs and Wyeast and put some of the anecdotes to the test ;-)

Actually, at the end of the day, I believe they  both produce very good yeast. Most issues are in the hand that yeilds them :facepalm:
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Hunter S. Thompson

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