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Summer Wheat Ale

Started by Kyle, May 23, 2012, 01:05:41 PM

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For 10 gallons:

2# Cara-Munich II
8# Marris Otter
7.5# White Wheat Malt

1oz Galena @ 60
2oz Cascade @ 15
2oz Saaz @ 1

Mash at 150F, with 8 Gal
Sparge with 6 Gal

Yeast: WB-06 x2 ***Edit: decided to go with S-04. I like WB-06, but this is meant to be a crowd pleaser, and WB-06 has the banana/clove too much for most.
Charter Member

On Tap: DIPA, Vienna SMaSH, Imp Stout
Planned: IPA
Fermenting: --


Looks like a nice simple wheat recipe... love to try it. I would have preferred the WB-06 but I hear what you are saying about the banana particularly.
"Good people drink good beer"
Hunter S. Thompson

On Tap]