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Belgian hybrids

Started by sdixon, May 28, 2012, 10:14:17 PM

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I'm starting a series of experiments to blend yeast strains. This first batch is a combination of US-05 and T-58 in the primary. Subsequent experiments will be single yeast in primary and a different single yeast in secondary. Additional variables will include additions of fermentables in secondary vs. no additional fermentables. I've been blending my beers from the tap, but now want to blend the fermentation.

Belgian Pale Ale
Recipe Specs
Grain Bill
3.500 kg Pilsner (70%)
1.000 kg Honey (20%)
0.500 kg Vienna (10%)
Hop Bill
10.0 g Magnum Pellet (12.5% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (0.4 g/L)
20.0 g Centennial Pellet (9.4% Alpha) @ 30 Minutes (Boil) (0.9 g/L)
15.0 g Saaz Pellet (4.1% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil) (0.7 g/L)
Misc Bill
0.605 Kg Crushed fresh apricots at flame out

Single step Infusion at 151°F for 60 Minutes.
Fermented at 68°F with:
Pitched US-05 and T-58 together
"Good people drink good beer"
Hunter S. Thompson

On Tap]


is that honey malt or actual honey?
Charter Member

On Tap: DIPA, Vienna SMaSH, Imp Stout
Planned: IPA
Fermenting: --


"Good people drink good beer"
Hunter S. Thompson

On Tap]