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Knock on Wood Triple IPA.

Started by Richard, February 29, 2012, 03:25:12 PM

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Yes this beer is a little bit over the top... Note I expect the long boil will introduce further melanoidin & caramel notes that the grain bill as-is might not otherwise suggest. Suspect/hope also that some sweetness and complexity will also be derived from the oak chips. Simcoe chosen as the primary hop since it should work well with the resinous notes of the oak, and Palisade used as backup for its floral/grassy/spicy notes. Magnum is clean enough to just blend in.

for 6 Gallons:

12lbs Canadian 2-row.
10lbs Bohemian Pilsner.
2.5lbs Sucrose.
0.5lbs Cara-foam.
0.5lbs Crystal 110L.

2.0oz Magnum 10% @ FWH.
4.0oz Simcoe 13% @ after hot-break.
2.0oz Simcoe 13% @ 20mins.
1.0oz Palisade 6% @ 20mins
2.0oz Simcoe 13% @ flameout.
1.0oz Palisade 6% @ flameout.

3tsp gypsum split by volume between mash and sparge water.

Mash 1/2hr 6 gallons @ 144F (strike 166F), Add 2 gallons boiling water and rest another hour. Sparge 5 gallons * 168 (strike 185), Sparge again 2 gallons @ 168 (strike 168). Should collect around 12 gallons of wort, total. Boil time will likely be 2-3 hours assuming boil-off is 15-25%/hr. Be very careful that FWH addition is not carried out of the boil by hot-break and subsequent boil-off.

OG: 1.116 assuming 65% efficiency, FG: probably 1.020, IBUs: ALL OF THEM.

Pitch three packs S-05 w/2tsp mixed yeast nutrient.

Primary for two weeks; rack to CO2-flushed secondary containing toasted American oak chips, which are first soaked in whiskey (MacAllan 12) for two weeks.

Leave in secondary at room temperature for one month.

Then: Dry hop: 2.0oz Simcoe + 2.0oz Palisade for two weeks. Transfer to keg.
Charter Member

Kegged: air.
Primary: air.
Bulk Aging: Silence of the Lambics (Pitched 13/05/2012).
Owed: JQ LSA x 1, Kyle Stout x 1 & IPA x 1.

Chris Craig

This is a BIG beer.  I want some :)


lol... nah I read that mash-hopping is kinda pointless since they're filtered out before they get to the tun.

Changed it around to throw Simcoe in when the boil starts, having 2oz of Magnum as FWH. I want to go wayyy beyond IBU/isomerisation saturation to get more of the resinous quality of the Simcoe into the wort.

My concern here is more towards overloading whatever hop-filter I'll be using; I figure the potential for xtrm clogging is pretty high. This ought to test the braided hose to pretty much the absolute limit - I'm going to get a 6-foot length for the keggle, to coil round the bottom twice.
Charter Member

Kegged: air.
Primary: air.
Bulk Aging: Silence of the Lambics (Pitched 13/05/2012).
Owed: JQ LSA x 1, Kyle Stout x 1 & IPA x 1.


Yeah, even my brown ale with a mere 2.05oz of pellet hops made my 30" SS hops braid run slowly. I replaced it with a 5 foot one and added a whirlpool diverter for the next brew day
Charter Member

On Tap: DIPA, Vienna SMaSH, Imp Stout
Planned: IPA
Fermenting: --


I've had 7oz work just fine through a 30"... dunno what you're doing differently tbh.
Charter Member

Kegged: air.
Primary: air.
Bulk Aging: Silence of the Lambics (Pitched 13/05/2012).
Owed: JQ LSA x 1, Kyle Stout x 1 & IPA x 1.


Damn, now THIS sounds like a beer right up my alley.   :rock:


sounds damn nice Richard.  

I'm assuming you're bottling a bit of this?

fwiw, I've hopped sparge water before mash out....definitely bittered the wort before the boil.  Not sure that you would really gain anything as opposed to just throwing the same hops in the beginning of the boil, but thought I'd try it.
"If God had intended for us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs."


Yeah I think I want to bottle a bunch of this in bombers.
Charter Member

Kegged: air.
Primary: air.
Bulk Aging: Silence of the Lambics (Pitched 13/05/2012).
Owed: JQ LSA x 1, Kyle Stout x 1 & IPA x 1.