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American Amber Ale : Donovan Red 2.0

Started by Shawn, October 03, 2011, 07:18:21 PM

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5.5 gallons into fermenter, based on 75% efficiency.

4.54 kg Maris Otter
454 g Caramunich II
454 g Munich malt
227 g Crystal 120 L
227 g Victory malt
85 g Pale Chocolate malt

Mash at 152 F for 60 minutes.

60 minute boil, 6.75 gallons pre-boil.

14 g Nugget pellet hops (11.2% AA) (60 min)
39 g Magnum pellet hops (9.2% AA) (60 min)
35 g Amarillo pellet hops (6.0% AA) (10 min)
35 g Crystal pellet hops (1.7% AA) (10 min)
28 g Amarillo pellet hops (0 min)
28 g Crystal pellet hops (0 min)

1/2 tsp yeast nutrient (15 min)
1/2 tab Irish Moss (5 min)

Wyeast 1056 American Ale.
Ferment at 68 F.

Dry-hop with 28 g each Amarillo and Crystal pellet hops for 7 days.

OG 1.067, FG ~1.015, IBU 66, SRM 17.2, ABV 6.7%

Carbonate to 2.5 vol CO2.


Looks interesting, how does the pale chocolate malt differ in flavour and aroma from the standard Weyerman Chocolate malt?
Charter Member

On Tap: DIPA, Vienna SMaSH, Imp Stout
Planned: IPA
Fermenting: --


The Pale Chocolate is around 200 L, compared to the 400-450 L you get with regular Chocolate Malt. Aside from being lighter in color, it really gives more of a chocolate flavor and aroma, compared to Chocolate Malt coming across as more "roasty" when used.

I've made this beer before, almost 2 years ago. It was my 3rd brew then (and extract), and the hops used were different (Cascade and Centennial), and it wasn't dry-hopped. Aside from all that, the bit of Pale Chocolate added a very slight, but nice, chocolate touch in the flavor.


well, sounds like I'll order some of that at some point.  Lets see, I have about 20 types of grain, I'd better get brewing.
Charter Member

On Tap: DIPA, Vienna SMaSH, Imp Stout
Planned: IPA
Fermenting: --


Recipe looks good. Jamil style.
That Pale Chocolate sounds interesting. Where do you get it?


The first Donovan Red was from Jamil's book; his was called West Coast Blaster or something. This one is just with a few changes in the hops, plus the dry-hopping.

I bought the Pale Chocolate a while back at Maine Beer Supply (I think that's what it's called) in Portland.