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A Bit Of Better Bitter

Started by Richard, December 01, 2011, 02:56:26 PM

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9lbs Maris Otter
1lbs Toasted (15 mins @ 350F) Maris Otter
0.5lbs Crystal 110

2oz Challenger 5.6% @ 60
1oz Fuggles 4.6% @ 20

Mash 3 Gallons@ 152, Sparge 6.25 Gallons @ 166.

S-05 (at a slightly higher temp than normal to throw some esters - not recommended, but I can't be bothered getting more yeast until it comes in from the bulk order - will re-run this with 04/Ringwood when I have it).
Charter Member

Kegged: air.
Primary: air.
Bulk Aging: Silence of the Lambics (Pitched 13/05/2012).
Owed: JQ LSA x 1, Kyle Stout x 1 & IPA x 1.


Not to blow my own horn or anything, but this is bloody fantastic.
Charter Member

Kegged: air.
Primary: air.
Bulk Aging: Silence of the Lambics (Pitched 13/05/2012).
Owed: JQ LSA x 1, Kyle Stout x 1 & IPA x 1.

Chris Craig

I'd like to try this.  I made a best bitter a few weeks ago, and it'd be nice to see the difference. Think we could swap a bottle or two?


I'll bring a couple of growlers tomorrow.
Charter Member

Kegged: air.
Primary: air.
Bulk Aging: Silence of the Lambics (Pitched 13/05/2012).
Owed: JQ LSA x 1, Kyle Stout x 1 & IPA x 1.

Chris Craig

Awesome! See you this afternoon.