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Americano Hefé

Started by Jake, September 06, 2011, 03:38:21 PM

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7lb Wheat
3lb 2-row
1lb Vienna

Mashed @ 154 (171 strike water temp), Sparged @ 167 (182ish sparge water temp)

.75oz Hallertau @ 60
.25oz Cascade @ 15
.25oz Hallertau @ 1

Yeast: SO5

Grain Absorption = 0.15 gal/lb = 6.25L (23+6.25 = 29.25L total h2o utilized)
Using 1.25qt/lb --> Mash = 13L/Sparge 16.25L
Aiming for 23L pre-boil, 20ish post boil
President of the NBCBA

Dave Savoie

Dont boil Raspberry it bring it to the temp that kills bacteria and hold steady but not bringing to a boil
Charter Member


do you know what that temp would be? I don't see it on can
President of the NBCBA


OK cool. Thanks! so I just bring it up to 160-165 for 15-20 seconds and that's it? Sounds pretty simple.
President of the NBCBA


Just a note that if its the canned Raspberry puree then its already been sterilized.  If its the Oregon stuff (I got some from Noble a few years back) just open the can and dumped it in.  

I put it in Primary and promptly blew the top (not just the air lock) off the fermentor twice.  Definitely a secondary thing.

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