• Welcome to New Brunswick Craft Brewers Association.

Hello All!

Started by BSmith, November 13, 2014, 11:06:02 AM

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I have been brewing for a couple years, followed the progression from brewing extract to now all grain. When given the opportunity I brew my all grain with one of your NBCBA members. I am slowly aquiring the equipment I need to brew indepently, because I can't justify brewing extract/partial grain anymore (it just doesn't cut it). I've been in attendance at a couple of the NBCBA events ("Mashacre" and Brewers Bash BBQ). Seem like a great group of people and extrememly knowledgable about Brewing. Looking forward to reading and sharing recipies on the forum.


Two Wheeler

Welcome Brent! Happy to have you join the forum! :cheers:
Jordan Harris


Welcome to the club Brent,  you'll enjoy it here!

Give a man a beer and he'll waste an hour, teach him how to brew beer and he'll waste a lifetime.


NBCBA Treasurer
Planned: Drink beer later, Primary: Drink beer soon, Secondary: Drink beer shortly, Kegged: Drinking beer now


Primary #1 - Empty
Primary #2 - Empty
Primary #3 - Empty
Primary #4 - Empty

Secondary #1- Wheat  (Tangerine and coriander)
Secondary #2 - Dry cider
Secondary #3 - Cream ale fermented with M27
Secondary #4 - Cream ale fermented with M07
Secondary #5 - Merlot




You should make it out to more meetings! Always a great time, and plenty of beer to sample.  :cheers: