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Gilksy Bear Cream Ale

Started by Two Wheeler, April 19, 2014, 11:07:09 AM

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Two Wheeler

Looking for a nice light summer bear, named after my buddy Gilks who loves cream ale, but hates beer.

Recipe: Gilksy Bear Cream Ale
Brewer: Jordan Harris
Asst Brewer:
Style: Cream Ale
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (30.0)

Recipe Specifications
Boil Size: 6.28 gal
Post Boil Volume: 5.28 gal
Batch Size (fermenter): 5.00 gal   
Bottling Volume: 4.00 gal
Estimated OG: 1.049 SG
Estimated Color: 3.5 SRM
Estimated IBU: 18.0 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 75.0 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amt                   Name                                     Type          #        %/IBU         
1.00 tbsp             PH 5.2 Stabilizer (Mash 60.0 mins)       Water Agent   1        -             
3.36 kg               Pale Malt (6 Row) US (2.0 SRM)           Grain         2        80.0 %       
0.84 kg               Corn, Flaked (1.3 SRM)                   Grain         3        20.0 %       
0.25 oz               Centennial [10.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min     Hop           4        10.4 IBUs     
0.50 oz               Centennial [10.00 %] - Boil 10.0 min     Hop           5        7.6 IBUs     
2.0 pkg               Safale American  (DCL/Fermentis #US-05)  Yeast         6        -             

Mash Schedule: BIAB, Light Body
Total Grain Weight: 4.19 kg
Name              Description                             Step Temperat Step Time     
Saccharification  Add 6.45 gal of water at 154.6 F        147.9 F       90 min       
Mash Out          Heat to 168.0 F over 7 min              168.0 F       10 min       

Jordan Harris