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HopDawgs Partial Mash Fat Tire Clone

Started by McKraken, April 02, 2012, 08:43:47 PM

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Beer Name:Fat Tire Clone (Partial Mash hopdawgs.ca Kit)
Grain Bill:1 lb Honey Malt (25.0 SRM)
   0.5 lb Crystal-20 (20 SRM)
   0.5 lb Melanoidin (20 SRM)
   0.5 lb Biscuit Malt (23.0SRM)
   0.2 lb Chocolate Malt (200.0 SRM)
Extract:   5 lb Light DME (4.0 SRM)
Hops:   0.75 oz Northern Brewer (9% AAU) @ 60 min
   0.5 oz Willamette (4.8% AAU) @ 15 min
   0.5 oz Willamette (4.8% AAU) @ 5 min

Yeast:   US-05

Technique:Steep Grain 30 min @ Tgt Temp= 6.5 gal @ 152?F to 155?F
   Start Steeping= 154.3?F
   10 min temp = 151.7?F
   20 min temp = 151.5?F
   30 min temp = 154.9?F
   Sparge 3 qt @ 170?F (poured over grain bag in colander)
   Boil for 60 min
   Pitch Temp = 70?F
Notes:   >Added DME at 15 min left in boil to maximize hop utilization
   >1/2" Kreusen @ 12 hrs (64?F)
   >2"+ Kreusen @ 24 hrs (66?F)

I hit the target OG of 1.049 right on, and it's sitting in my basement now, which is in the mid 60's on the far side of the room away from the baseboard heater.  It smells pretty good in my basement right now.
Kevin McF.
On Tap - Nil
Aging - Koodlik Fuel 25/04/2013
