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Possible solution for carboy cleaning

Started by jdueck, April 02, 2014, 03:52:24 PM

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I found this today and thought that it might be usefull.


Primary #1 - Empty
Primary #2 - Empty
Primary #3 - Empty
Primary #4 - Empty

Secondary #1- Wheat  (Tangerine and coriander)
Secondary #2 - Dry cider
Secondary #3 - Cream ale fermented with M27
Secondary #4 - Cream ale fermented with M07
Secondary #5 - Merlot



Great idea! Hard drive magnets would work perfect for this... Until one slips out and leaves a nice scratch  :shakes:
Give a man a beer and he'll waste an hour, teach him how to brew beer and he'll waste a lifetime.


I'm a big fan of the one I made using this one as a model.
Scrubs it out in no time a minute or two maybe. I think Noble Grape sells the actual "Carboy Cleaner" for around $30.00.
It wasn't  hard to make though a SS rod with a microfiber cloth attached to one end with a funnel to guard it from hitting the carboy opening. Might have cost me $5.00 to build.    :cheers:

Also works great on kegs!

Chris Craig

Yup. I have an actual carbon cleaner. Love it.


I actually do it the lazy way and soak my caboys in oxyclean. Uses a lot of water but it works very well

Chris Craig

I use a combination.  I usually fill the carboy with oxy and run-off water from a brew day.  I'll let it soak until I feel like finishing the job.  I find that sometimes the krausen line can be quite stubborn even with the carboy cleaner.  I don't know if I should be using something other than oxy and water with it, or if I should be using PBW, but the soak definitely helps.