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Trade dry yeast (Nottingham for US-05)

Started by pliny, April 28, 2011, 09:36:36 AM

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Hi there, I have a few packets of Nottingham kicking around here and was wondering if anyone would like to trade for US-05 packets.

For people who are wondering about Nottingham:
- The Nottingham strain is highly flocculent (precipitating) and has relatively full attenuation properties.
- It produces low concentrations of fruity and estery aromas and has been described as neutral for an ale yeast, allowing the full natural flavor of malt to develop.
- Good tolerance to low fermentation temperatures, 14°C (57°F), allow this strain to brew lager-style beer. Optimum temp: 57°-70° F

As stated in the title, these are dry yeast which store easily and can be used for a number of reasons:
- you want a neutral yeast;
- in case of emergency where maybe your wort isn't fermenting;
- you maybe want some spare on hand "just in case";
- you want to add more yeast mid-fermentation;
- you want to add yeast prior to bottling;
- you want to minimize infections, etc.

This is not an expensive yeast but is much better than the coopers packets and some people prefer dry yeast to the liquid yeast.

They are fresh some are good until Dec 2011 and some later than that.
Respond to this ad if interested.
