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Cluster....the hop. Discuss.

Started by Brian_S, January 11, 2014, 05:50:40 PM

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So I've got 2 pounds of cluster in the freezer and figured I should do something with them.  I've not used it before but being the Grand Daddy of the Big C it can't be all bad.

I'me looking at doing a 2 Hearted Clone and swapping the Centennial for Cluster, what the general impressions?  Good idea, bad idea?

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Chris Craig

I've never used cluster, but go for it.  Worst result would be beer :cheers:


I have a pound or two of cluster too...let me know how you make out.
"If God had intended for us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs."


Yeah for sure.  I was hoping to get some personal experiences first but it appears no one uses cluster anymore.   

Smells great in the fermentor so far,  used 10oz in 10 gallons with another 1oz or so for dry hop.

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