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All Grain Start Up list

Started by Dave Savoie, June 29, 2011, 11:03:02 AM

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Dave Savoie

Mash Tun - Coleman cooler 10 Gallon - Walmart has them on sale $20

Wort Chiller - Hop Dawgs has a wicked 50 Ft 3/8ths chiller for $89 (will be ordering one myself looks very very good)

Grain Mill -  Barley Crusher seems to be the best Value for your Dollar $150

Turkey Fryer , comes with 7 Gallon boil kettle just make sure te pot it self is tall and skinny VS short and fat can range from $75-$150
             How ever If you plan to brew inside you can purchase SS pots from home Hardware reasonable cheap much less than on the home brew sites

Good thermometer for checking your mash Temp its best to have a couple for cross reference
Charter Member


if you are only using one boiling vessel are you using it dual-purpose for boiling the water and boiling the wort?

if you use 2 seperate vessels, are they the same size ...I'm guessing 40 litre? How much better is it to have 2 pots and 2 burners ..does it really make things that much easier?

I have a garage so I'd probably be gearing up to brew in there from the start, using propane. I see all kinds of setups on other forums but the majority of them are american sites so I'm guessing cost and availability is way different than around here ...for example, there's A LOT of people using converted sanke kegs.

Dave Savoie

Well for the most part what I did was Heat my Mash water and while the 1 hour long mash was going on I heated my sparge water drained the wort into a 5 gallon bucket then once the pot was empty from sparging add wort to boil kettle that way i only ever needed one pot
Charter Member


Dave Savoie

the converted Sanke Kegs are great will allow you to do 10 Gallon batches you would need turkey fryer burner I think you can buy just the burners all on their own
Charter Member


maybe want to add the dishwasher hookup hose (STAINLESS! MUST BE STAINLESS!) and whatever you need to mcguyver that to a good seal with your cooler.

My current set-up is a variation of this "El Cheapo Mash Tun":

Charter Member

Kegged: air.
Primary: air.
Bulk Aging: Silence of the Lambics (Pitched 13/05/2012).
Owed: JQ LSA x 1, Kyle Stout x 1 & IPA x 1.


I heard on saturday that home cheapo sells some really nifty plastic dishwasher hose that looks like stainless  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

speaking of home depot ...I need to buy some 7/8 or 1" tubing to make a blow-off hose (just in case), can I use the hose at home depot for that or do i need the supposed food-safe from the wine store ...it's just a blow-off?

Gil Breau

Not all that important, especially for a blowoff.

The food grades thicker walled though I find.
My Brew Blog!

Current on Tap: Maple Ale, Blonde Lager. "Pils" Ale, Chocolate Sweet Stout, Hefe
Projects:Strawberry-Rhubarb Hefe



This is a very good list, covers pretty well everything you need to get the job done. But to make it more pleasant, I'd add the the following:

Hop Sock, for boiling hops in kettle but keeping them out of the way for draining into fermenter. I think I put instructions to make one of these in teh "Technique" forum

Auto-syphon: no more stuck syphons

Ball valve, weldless bulkhead, SS braid in kettle so that you can just open the value and  let 'er rip into the fermenter

A spatula is good as a mash paddle, actually I prefer it to my purpose build mash paddle since it is larger and sturdier

It's also wise to have several fermenters so you can have a pipeline such that you never run out of beer and its always in optimal condition.

Hardware for yeast starters is good too.
Charter Member

On Tap: DIPA, Vienna SMaSH, Imp Stout
Planned: IPA
Fermenting: --