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Started by ECH, September 09, 2014, 06:52:53 PM

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Ordered in a couple of smack packs from OBK, one of them I think was already smacked, as the bag had already expanded in the shipping box (can't think it was put in that way, but who knows).

Question is, how long is the yeast viable once the nutrient packs are broken inside? Next brew day was this Sunday, but wasn't planning on doing the batch that the yeast pack that swelled was going to be used for. Would it hurt if it was in the fridge for a couple of weeks?

Has very good dates on it, mfg. in August '14, so practically brand new.


Was it WLP001 yeast by any chance? Some of them are known to swell up easy, that being one.

I've boutht a couple that were quite swollen but still good, the nutrient packs were still intact in them.

It's a bit tricky but as long as it's not too swollen, you should be able to feel the full nutrient pack if you get it in a very bottom corner.

I wouldn't think twice about using it myself, especially if you are making a starter out of it (always recomended with these, they don't hace the cell count of dry yeast packets).

Give a man a beer and he'll waste an hour, teach him how to brew beer and he'll waste a lifetime.


1056 American Ale

One has a slight swell, but nothing too serious, the other is likely too swollen to feel the nutrient pack....maybe if I got it in one of the top corners.


This is definitely really common. Check some of their FAQs on their site .... https://www.wyeastlab.com/faqs.cfm?website=2#r204

"Some strains, including 1056 and 1388, are more prone to "off gassing" than others."

You can always pitch without popping the nutrient package, if its too swollen to find it, especially if you're making a starter


I've never seen a pack of 1056 that wasn't crazy swollen, its the only wyeast that I've bought that is that way every time no matter how fresh.


Quote from: Al-Loves-Wine on September 09, 2014, 10:21:40 PM
I've never seen a pack of 1056 that wasn't crazy swollen, its the only wyeast that I've bought that is that way every time no matter how fresh.

Oops, yes, I meant 1056 is know to swell up.... Wlp001 is white labs in tube  :facepalm:

Either one... Def. recommend a starter
Give a man a beer and he'll waste an hour, teach him how to brew beer and he'll waste a lifetime.


Not set up to do a starter, which is why I bought 2 packs of yeast. Better to over pitch, than under pitch.

So if it is normal and the yeast is ultra fresh, then I should have no issues waiting a week or 2 before using it, so long as it's in the fridge.

Wanted to do my Belgian Summer Ale this weekend, despite summer fleeting and will definitely be gone by the time it is ready to drink!


Quote from: ECH on September 09, 2014, 11:13:37 PM
Not set up to do a starter, which is why I bought 2 packs of yeast. Better to over pitch, than under pitch.

So if it is normal and the yeast is ultra fresh, then I should have no issues waiting a week or 2 before using it, so long as it's in the fridge.

Wanted to do my Belgian Summer Ale this weekend, despite summer fleeting and will definitely be gone by the time it is ready to drink!

If you have an empty growler you can do a starter. You don't necessarily need a stir plate to make a starter. Before I had a stir plate I just made my starter in a sanitized growler, covered with tin foil, added my yeast to it and shook the living bageezus out of it as may times as I could for the next 24 hours. It works reasonably well with minimal investment.


That's the way I do starters. I use one for almost every brew with good results. I want to get a stir plate and flask at some point but until then the growler works for me.


I like how this guy explains to make a starter without a stir plate. You need to pick up some Light Dry Malt Extract at NG.



I use DME most of the time. A bag is $10 at NG and that lasts for quite a few starters. If I have leftover wort I'll use that as well.