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Dry Hopping in the keg?

Started by Kyle, January 16, 2013, 01:06:36 PM

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I've got about 3oz of Cascade in my IIIPA in the keg. Its been there for about a week and done a nice job. It's not grassy or overpowering. Is there any need to fish the hop bag out, or just leave it in there? It'll probably take about a month to finish the keg at my current rate.
Charter Member

On Tap: DIPA, Vienna SMaSH, Imp Stout
Planned: IPA
Fermenting: --


I've had dry hops in the keg for 6 to 8 weeks at a time and haven't experienced any grassy flavours.


Same here, I just leave it.   I do find that the last few beers are very hoppy though.


I always leave them in to the bitter end...pun intended.

I've gone to using only whole leaf, free floating and have one of these in each of my DH kegs...


Works like a charm.

Charter Member
I'm on the 12 step program...
I'm on Step 1 - I've admitted I have a problem...and if you're reading this, so do you!

On Tap: 1. MT; 2. PartiGyle Barley Wine; 3. MT; 4. MT; 5. Obiwan Kanobe 6. Pollen Angels TM Base; 7. MT  8. MT
Visiting Taps:
Travelling: Vienna Pale @ RB's; NB55 @ Fakr's
Recent Visitors: CMC Graham Cracker Brown, Fakr's Warrior AGDTDiPA; Brew's SNPA; Brew's C^3, Fakr's Stout
In the BH's: 1. Empty 2. WW, STILL! 3. Empty
Aging: Lots and Lots of Mead for Samples


For my next dry hopped brew, I'm going to put my dry hops in a small hop sack, throw it in the bottom of the keg, then slide the liquid dip tube over the bag to press it to the bottom of the keg...the bag should act like a filter...and any beer that is dispensed should also flow through the bag before going up the dip tube...

should be interesting :)
"If God had intended for us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs."

Chris Craig

The hops should sink down after a few days anyway, shouldn't they?  Perhaps weight the bag with as SS fitting or something?  The'd be less chance of clogging the dip tube that way.

Also, if you suspend it with a piece of dental floss, you can pull the bag up when you feel you've had enough dry-hopping.


I always use leaf hops and just jam the bag that I put them in behind the dip tube. It rarely moves, no worries of any sort of clogging that way.


Cool, thanks for the input guys!

I'm using a fine mesh hop sack with pellets, and it works beautifully.
Charter Member

On Tap: DIPA, Vienna SMaSH, Imp Stout
Planned: IPA
Fermenting: --


I use whole leaf to dry hop too.  I don't anticipate any issues.
"If God had intended for us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs."