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Rye-PA Revisited

Started by Richard, August 20, 2012, 10:47:46 AM

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My last attempt at a Rye-PA (although: a black one) supposedly went so far out of the ball-park the guy thought it was an American Stout (despite using the "Specials", the roasted character of toasted rye knocked the beer out of style)... so I figured since I just found a couple of lbs of rye malt kicking around I'd give it another go. This time, no dark or roasted/toasted grains to confuse matters.

6lbs Canadian 2-Row.
3lbs Maris Otter.
2lbs Rye Malt.
0.5lbs Crystal 150.
0.5lbs Crystal 110.

2.0oz Simcoe 13% @ 60.
1.0oz Simcoe 13% @ 20
1.0oz Palisade 13% @ 20
1.0oz Cascade 13% @ 20

Dry-Hop: 1oz Simcoe for 5 days.

Stove-top water amounts: Mash 4.5gal @ 154, Sparge 5.0gal @ 168.


Using Fredericton water: 2tsp gypsum + 1tsp epsom salts in mash water, 1tsp gypsum + 1tsp epsom salts in sparge.
Charter Member

Kegged: air.
Primary: air.
Bulk Aging: Silence of the Lambics (Pitched 13/05/2012).
Owed: JQ LSA x 1, Kyle Stout x 1 & IPA x 1.