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Bell's 2 Hearted clone

Started by Brian_S, December 22, 2011, 07:33:57 PM

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I'm just getting around to posting this now, kegs been dead for weeks, and I would say its most likely the best received IPA I've made so far.  

5.5 Gallons:
IBU: 63.1
Est OG: 1.063

10# 2 row
2# Vienna
0.5# Carafoam
0.5# Crystal 40L
1oz Centennial (9.9%AA) @ 60
1oz Centennial @ 15
1oz Centennial @ 5
1oz Centennial @ 1
.5oz Centennial Dry hop for 5 days

Fermentis US-05

Mash at 152F for 60 min
Sparge at 166F for 15 min
<No context>Dark and Dirty</No Context>