Thanks for stopping by! The NBCBA is an inclusive social club and network of passionate home brewers in New Brunswick.
Membership includes access to group grain buys, club ingredient orders and special equipment acquired by the club. You can read more about that here (http://nbcba.org/forum/general/membership-fee-payment-and-benefits-of-joining-the-nbcba/)
You can join the forum for free! Due to some very aggressive Spammers, we have the registration limited to email only. To create an account, please send an email to register(at)nbcba.org. Please include the user name that you wish to use.
Social meetings are held bi-weekly on Saturdays and provide an outlet to share your home brew, request feedback, and learn from a wide range of brewers with different brewing styles. Meetings typically happen in the greater Fredericton area at members' houses. Meetings are announced in the members only section. If you're interested in checking out a meeting, send an email to the address above for details, or private message me.
Tentative meeting dates in 2017 are Feb 4 and 18, March 4 and 18, April 1, 15 and 29